21 September 2024

Remuera Intermediate School Befu Elementary School Exchange 2024

A Cultural Bridge for Young Learners (02/09/2024 - 11/09/2024)

Travel & Events


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Remuera Intermediate School is a well-regarded educational institution located in the suburb of Remuera, Auckland, New Zealand. The school caters to students in Years 7 and 8, offering a nurturing and supportive environment that helps bridge the gap between primary school and high school.

Key Features of Remuera Intermediate School:

  1. Academic Excellence:
    Remuera Intermediate has a strong academic program, providing a comprehensive curriculum that includes core subjects such as mathematics, English, science, and social studies. The school also emphasizes critical thinking, problem-solving, and independent learning to prepare students for future academic challenges.

  2. Cultural and Sports Programs:
    In addition to academics, the school is known for its extensive extracurricular activities, including sports, cultural clubs, and arts programs. Students can participate in various sports such as netball, rugby, soccer, and more. The cultural programs often include performing arts, music, and language studies, fostering a well-rounded educational experience.

  3. Global Connections:
    Remuera Intermediate values international exposure, as seen through their cultural exchange programs, such as the Remuera-Fukuoka Befu Exchange, which provides students with opportunities to experience different cultures, develop language skills, and form global friendships.

  4. Technology and Innovation:
    The school places a strong emphasis on integrating technology into the learning environment. Through the use of digital tools and platforms, students are encouraged to develop their technological skills, preparing them for a rapidly changing, tech-driven world.

  5. Supportive Learning Environment:
    Remuera Intermediate focuses on providing a safe and supportive atmosphere for students to grow academically, socially, and emotionally. The school's leadership, guidance, and pastoral care programs ensure that students have the resources they need to succeed.

With its strong focus on academic achievement, extracurricular engagement, and fostering global connections, Remuera Intermediate School plays a crucial role in the educational journey of young learners in New Zealand.


Befu Elementary School is located in Fukuoka, Japan, and is part of the Fukuoka City Board of Education. It serves as a primary school for students in grades 1 to 6, typically catering to children aged 6 to 12 years old. The school is situated in the Befu district, a residential area in Fukuoka, one of Japan's largest cities on the southern island of Kyushu.

Key Features of Befu Elementary School:

  1. Academic Focus: Befu Elementary provides a well-rounded education, emphasizing the fundamentals of Japanese education, such as math, Japanese language, science, social studies, and physical education. Students also engage in hands-on learning activities designed to develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

  2. Cultural and Extracurricular Activities: Like many schools in Japan, Befu Elementary emphasizes extracurricular activities that foster cultural understanding and community engagement. Students participate in traditional arts, such as calligraphy and origami, and take part in seasonal festivals and events, which promote cultural appreciation and teamwork.

  3. Language and International Exchange Programs: Befu Elementary is committed to promoting global education, particularly through its international exchange programs. The Remuera Intermediate School Fukuoka Befu Exchange program is a notable example, where students from Fukuoka and New Zealand participate in reciprocal visits to experience each other's education systems, cultures, and daily lives. This promotes cultural understanding and helps students develop international perspectives.

  4. Community Involvement: Befu Elementary plays a vital role in the local community. The school often collaborates with parents and local organizations, hosting events such as sports days, music festivals, and community clean-up activities. This close-knit relationship enhances students' social development and connection to their community.

  5. Focus on Character Development: The school emphasizes traditional Japanese values such as respect, discipline, and cooperation. Through daily routines and structured activities, students learn the importance of teamwork, responsibility, and consideration for others, which are core aspects of Japanese education.

Befu Elementary School is known for its commitment to nurturing well-rounded students through a combination of strong academic programs, cultural engagement, and community involvement. The school's exchange program with Remuera Intermediate in New Zealand highlights its efforts to promote global awareness and foster international friendships.

レムエラ中学校(Remuera Intermediate School)は、ニュージーランドのオークランド市レムエラ地区に位置する名門中学校です。主に7年生8年生(日本の中学1年生と2年生に相当)を対象としており、生徒が小学校から高校に進む過渡期において、学業や社会的な成長を支える環境を提供しています。


  1. 学業の充実:

  2. 文化活動とスポーツプログラム:

  3. 国際的な交流:

  4. テクノロジーとイノベーション:

  5. サポート体制の充実:


福岡市立別府小学校(ふくおかしりつ べふしょうがっこう)は、福岡市に位置し、福岡市教育委員会に属する小学校です。小学校1年生から6年生までの児童(通常6歳から12歳)を対象とした教育機関で、福岡市内の住宅地である別府地区にあります。福岡は、九州地方最大の都市であり、豊かな文化と歴史を持つ街です。


  1. 学業への取り組み:

  2. 文化活動と課外活動:

  3. 国際交流プログラム:

  4. 地域との関わり:

  5. 品性の育成:


Remuera Intermediate School Befu Elementary School Exchange 2024: A Cultural Bridge for Young Learners

The Remuera Intermediate School and Fukuoka Befu Exchange is a highly anticipated cultural and educational program set for 2024. This exchange fosters a unique opportunity for students from Remuera Intermediate School in New Zealand and Befu Elementary School in Fukuoka, Japan, to immerse themselves in each other’s cultures, languages, and lifestyles, creating a lifelong connection between two diverse countries.

1. Purpose of the Exchange Program

The 2024 exchange between Remuera Intermediate and Fukuoka Befu Elementary is designed to provide students with:

  • Cultural Immersion: A hands-on experience of living in a different country, allowing students to fully engage with Japanese customs, traditions, and daily life in Fukuoka.
  • Language Skills Development: The exchange encourages the practical application of language learning, offering Kiwi students a chance to practice Japanese while Japanese students practice their English in real-world settings.
  • Global Awareness: This program cultivates global perspectives by exposing students to different worldviews, enhancing their understanding of international relationships.
  • Friendship and Networking: Students build cross-cultural friendships, opening doors for future international opportunities.

2. Activities and Highlights

During the exchange, students will participate in a variety of activities aimed at broadening their cultural understanding and academic skills:

  • School Immersion: Students will attend classes at Befu Elementary School, where they will experience the Japanese education system firsthand. They will participate in lessons, interact with Japanese peers, and take part in extracurricular activities.
  • Home Stay Program: One of the most enriching aspects of the exchange is the home stay experience, where students live with Japanese host families. This immersive opportunity helps them gain a deep understanding of everyday life in Japan, from traditional meals to family dynamics.
  • Cultural Tours and Excursions: Excursions to local landmarks in Fukuoka, including temples, shrines, and cultural heritage sites, will allow students to learn about Japan’s rich history and traditions. Visits to places like the Fukuoka Tower and the Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine will be a key highlight.
  • Traditional and Modern Workshops: Students will participate in hands-on workshops such as calligraphy, tea ceremonies, and even learning about modern Japanese pop culture, like anime and manga.

3. Benefits for Students

The 2024 exchange offers several key benefits for students:

  • Enhanced Confidence: Stepping out of their comfort zone helps students build self-confidence, independence, and adaptability as they navigate a foreign culture.
  • Global Competency: This experience broadens their global awareness, allowing them to gain an understanding of both Japanese culture and global citizenship.
  • Academic and Language Growth: Students will enhance their language skills, particularly in Japanese and English, while expanding their cultural knowledge, making the learning process more dynamic and engaging.
  • Lasting Friendships: The friendships formed during the exchange create meaningful bonds that often extend beyond the program itself, fostering connections that may last a lifetime.

4. Strengthening New Zealand-Japan Relations

The Remuera Intermediate-Fukuoka Befu Exchange is a reflection of the strong ties between New Zealand and Japan. This exchange program contributes to deeper understanding and cooperation between the two nations, reinforcing diplomatic, educational, and cultural connections. Both countries benefit from fostering the next generation of global citizens who are equipped to participate in a more connected world.

5. Looking Ahead to 2024

With the global situation gradually stabilizing, the Remuera Intermediate-Fukuoka Befu Exchange in 2024 represents a renewal of cross-cultural engagement after several years of travel limitations. Students, educators, and families on both sides eagerly anticipate this opportunity for learning and growth, with high expectations for another successful year of cultural exchange.

In conclusion, the Remuera Intermediate School Japan Fukuoka Befu Exchange 2024 is a transformative experience for young learners. Through education, cultural exchange, and language development, students from New Zealand and Japan will deepen their mutual understanding, paving the way for stronger global connections in the future.

レミュエラ中学校 福岡・別府交流プログラム 2024


1. 交流の概要



2. プログラムの目的


  • 文化交流: 日本の伝統や生活様式、歴史を実際に体験し、理解を深める。
  • 言語スキルの向上: 実際に日本語を使ってコミュニケーションを図り、言語スキルを向上させる。
  • 国際的な視野の拡大: 日本の生徒たちとの交流を通じて、グローバルな視点を持ち、異文化への理解を深める。
  • 友情の構築: 交流を通じて、日本の生徒と一生続く友好関係を築く。

3. 主なアクティビティ


  • 学校訪問: 福岡および別府市の中学校を訪問し、日本の生徒と一緒に授業やクラブ活動に参加します。
  • ホームステイ: 日本の家庭に滞在し、日常生活を体験することで、さらに深い文化理解を得ます。
  • 観光と文化体験: 福岡の有名な観光スポットや、別府の温泉文化を体験するツアーも行います。

4. 期待される成果


5. まとめ

レミュエラ中学校 福岡・別府交流プログラム 2024は、生徒たちにとって特別な体験となるでしょう。このプログラムを通じて、彼らは新しい文化に触れ、世界をより広く理解する力を養います。日本での経験は、彼らの成長に大きく寄与し、将来の可能性を広げるものとなることでしょう。




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