1 Views· 30 November 2022
No Eyes, One Eye and Two Eyes Challenge | Last To Stop Eating Honey Jelly Eyeball! Mukbang by RATATA
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Love at first sight exists if you look at your favorite yummies! One sight at our favorite food brings us so much joy that it is impossible to hide the happiness and anticipation in our eyes! After all, as soon as we sit down at the table, your eyes immediately determine what you would like to eat. But what if this ability is taken away from you and you can only smell and taste, but not see what is in front of you? What for? Of course to have fun with your friends in the new food challenge! Being blindfolded for 24 hours and not accidentally eating some nasty stuff, can you handle it? It won't be easy, we are sure of it, but fortunately we have already tried it and are ready to show you an absolutely unpredictable and awkward no eyes, one eye and two eyes challenge!
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#RATATA #Challenge #NoEyesOneEyeTwoEyes
Music by Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/