1 Views· 19 September 2022
Oreo Banana Ice Cream on an Oreo Cone オレオでつくったコーンにのせたオレオバナナアイス
We love Oreos and bananas! So we made an ice cream full of both of these delicious items. To top it all off, we're making the ice cream cone itself out of Oreos! Yes, this is definitely going to be delicious!
The ice cream cones can be made by lightly grilling them in a frying pan. Enjoy the crunchy texture of the cones!
We wanted to create the unique pattern on ice cream cones using a grill at home, but that did not work... We wonder if it will work if we push on the grill even harder when it is still hot? We'll have to try that again.
Makes Ice Cream (about 1000ml)
1. Peel 4 bananas (about 350g in net weight) and crush them.
2. Add 120g of sweetened condensed milk and mix them together.
3. Add 2 egg yolks and mix. Put the egg whites in the refrigerator since we will use them to make the ice cream cones.
4. Add 55g of granulated sugar to 200ml of fresh cream and beat until stiff peaks form.
5. Add 4 to 3 and mix.
6. Crumble 5 Oreo sandwich cookies, add them in, and mix.
7. Put in a vessel or any container, and leave to cool in the freezer for about 2 hours.
8. Take it out when it starts to solidify and stir.
9. Put it back in the freezer until it becomes hard.
Makes Oreo Ice Cream Cones (about 9 small cones)
10. Crumble 10 Oreo sandwich cookies into tiny pieces.
11. Beat the 2 egg whites from 3 until it foams lightly.
12. Add 85g of sugar and mix.
13. Add 25g of melted butter and mix.
14. Sift and mix in 55g of flour and 5g of cocoa powder.
15. Add 10 in and mix.
16. Add 60g of milk and mix.
17. Bake. We baked ours in the Gohan DE Sandwich Machine for 3 minutes. It will become crispy when you let it bake for a while. You can also spread the dough out thinly and bake it on both sides using a frying pan.
18. Roll it into a cone shape while it is hot.
19. Put 9 on 18 and enjoy!
1.バナナ 4本の皮をむき(正味 350g)つぶす。
2.加糖練乳 120gを加え混ぜる。
3.卵黄 2個を加え混ぜる。卵白はアイスクリームコーンで使うので冷蔵庫に入れておく。
4.生クリーム 200mlにグラニュー糖 55gを加え固く泡立てる。
6.オレオクリームサンドクッキー 5枚をくだき加え混ぜる。
オレオアイスクリームコーン作ります(小さめサイズ 9個分)
10.オレオクリームサンドクッキー 10枚を細かく砕く。
11.3の卵白 2個分をか軽く泡立つ程度に溶きほぐす。
12.砂糖 85gを入れ混ぜる。
13.溶かしバター 25gを入れ混ぜる。
14.薄力粉 55gとココアパウダー 5gをふるい入れ、混ぜる。
16.牛乳 60gを入れ混ぜる。
#oreo #banana #icecream #cone #オレオ #バナナ #アイスクリーム #コーン