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1 Views· 22 September 2022

Resep Niku Udon Ala Marugame [100% Bahan Lokal]


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00:00 : intro
03:47 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
05:10 : mulai membuat kuah (making the soup)
07:46 : mulai memasak daging (cooking the meat)
09:31 : mulai membuat tenkasu (making the Tenkasu)
13:16 : hidangan siap dan tahap plating (the dish is ready to plate and serve)


Resep Niku Udon Halal. Sajian mie khas Jepang ini memiliki dua bahan dasar mie dan kuah. Biasanya ditambahkan juga dengan topping. Kali ini aku akan mencoba menduplikasi niku udon Marugame.

Resep Mie Udon: https://youtu.be/IVjeK4VYs_w

Resep Niku Udon (3-4 porsi)

3-4 porsi udon

400 gr daging sapi sukiyaki
2 sdm jus apel
4 sdm kecap asin
1 sdm gula
½ sdm minyak wijen

8 siung bawang merah
1 bonggol bawang putih
3 cm jahe, geprek
16 sdm jus apel
12 sdm kecap asin
2 sdm ikan teri, panggang / sangrai
2-3 liter air
Garam sesuai selera
2-3 sdm gula
2 sdm kaldu ayam

5 sdm tepung protein rendah
12-15 sdm air dingin
½ sdt cuka
⅕ sdt baking soda
Minyak goreng

5 buah cabai rawit merah, iris
1 batang daun bawang, iris

1. Marinasi daging dengan jus apel, minyak wijen, kecap asin, dan gula
2. Tumis daging hingga matang dan berwarna kecoklatan
3. Untuk tenkasu, campurkan cuka dan baking soda hingga berbuih lalu campurkan dengan air dan tepung, aduk rata
4. Panaskan minyak, goreng adonan dengan api sedang sampai kuning keemasan
5. Untuk kuah, cuci bersih bawang merah dan bawang putih dengan kulitnya lalu belah dua dan masukkan ke dalam air rebusan. Masukkan daun bawang, jahe, teri, jus apel, dan kecap asin, aduk rata
6. Bumbui dengan gula, garam dan kaldu ayam lalu masak hingga mendidih
7. Rebus sebentar udon yang sudah matang di dalam kuah, angkat dan pindahkan ke piring saji
8. Masukkan daging yang sudah ditumis ke dalam kuah, masak sebentar
9. Sajikan udon dengan daging, kuah, tenkasu, irisan cabai rawit dan irisan daun bawang

Oxone Fry Pan OX97F
Oxone Round Pot OX3025RO
Instagram: https://instagram.com/oxoneonline/
Website: http://oxone-world.com/

Kitchen equipment by MODENA

Kitchen cabinet by METRIC

Instagram: https://instagram.com/brewsuniq/
Website: https://brewsuniq.com/


Niku Udon Recipe a la Marugame [100% Local Ingredients]

This signature Japanese noodle dish has two main points, the noodle and the soup. It's usually served with various toppings. This time, I'm trying to duplicate Marugame's Niku Udon.

Udon Recipe: https://youtu.be/IVjeK4VYs_w

Niku Udon Recipe (yield: 3-4 serving)

3-4 serving Udon

400 g Sukiyaki beef
2 tbsp apple juice
4 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp sugar
½ tbsp sesame oil

8 pc shallots
1 whole garlic
3 cm ginger, pounded
16 tbsp apple juice
12 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp anchovies, roasted
2-3 L water
Salt, to taste
2-3 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp chicken stock powder

5 tbsp pastry flour
12-15 tbsp cold water
½ tsp vinegar
⅕ tsp baking soda

5 pc bird's eye chili, sliced
1 pc scallion, sliced

1. Marinate the beef with apple juice, sesame oil, soy sauce, and sugar.
2. Sauté the beef until it's cooked and browned.
3. For the Tenkasu, combine the vinegar and baking soda until bubbling. Combine with the water and flour. Mix well.
4. Heat some oil and fry the batter on medium heat until golden brown.
5. For the soup, rinse the shallots and garlic, skin-on. Halve and add to the boiling water. Add scallions, ginger, anchovies, apple juice, and soy sauce. Mix well.
6. Season with sugar, salt, and chicken stock powder. Bring to a boil.
7. Boil the cooked Udon for a bit in the soup. Remove and transfer to a serving bowl.
8. Add the sautéed beef into the soup. Cook for a bit.
9. Serve the Udon with the beef, the soup, the Tenkasu, as well as the sliced bird's eye chili and sliced scallions.


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Don’t reupload our content but you can share our videos. Production 2020 © Copyrights by Devina Hermawan.

We are not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with Marugame Udon. Its official website can be found at https://www.marugameudon.com

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