8 Views· 22 September 2022
Istimewa! Resep KUE BUGIS MANDI TARO [Kue Putri Mandi]
Resep lengkap buka di description box ini dan geser sampai ke bawah.
**English description is at the bottom section.**
00:00 : intro
01:17 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
01:58 : membuat isian (making the filling)
02:25 : kukus talas dan haluskan (steaming and mashing the taro)
02:44 : membuat adonan bugis (making Bugis dough)
04:00 : bentuk adonan bugis (shaping the Bugis dough)
04:43 : bentuk isian (shaping the filling)
04:55 : beri isian adonan bugis (filling the Bugis dough)
05:22 : kukus bugis (steaming the Bugis)
05:47 : membuat saus santan (making Coconut Sauce)
06:19 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve)
#ResepPutriMandiTaro #ResepBugis #ResepJajanan #ResepDevinaHermawan
Resep Kue Bugis Mandi Taro (25-30 pcs)
Bahan adonan:
275 gr BOLA Deli Tepung Ketan
125 gr talas, kukus, haluskan
125 ml air mendidih
2 sdm susu bubuk vanilla
130-140 ml santan instan
Perisa taro secukupnya
Bahan isian:
200 gr kelapa parut segar
150 gr gula pasir
½ sdt garam
½ sdt vanila ekstrak tidak berwarna
2 lembar daun pandan
Bahan vla santan:
200 gr santan instan (kental)
200 gr air
20 gr BOLA Deli Tepung Maizena
2 lembar daun pandan
1/2 sdt garam
1. Untuk isian, panaskan wajan, masukkan air, daun pandan, gula, dan vanila ekstrak, aduk hingga larut lalu masukkan kelapa parut dan garam, masak hingga air menyusut
2. Setelah dingin, bentuk bulat isian
3. Untuk adonan kulit bugis, kukus talas, hancurkan, lalu saring hingga halus
4. Di mangkuk terpisah, campurkan BOLA Deli Tepung Ketan, susu bubuk, aduk kemudian tambahkan air panas, aduk rata
5. Masukkan talas, perisa taro, dan santan secara perlahan, aduk kembali hingga menyatu
6. Bentuk memanjang adonan, lalu potong dan bentuk bulat
7. Pipihkan lalu masukan isian, rapatkan kembali hingga berbentuk bulat, kukus hingga matang
8. Untuk vla santan, campurkan santan, garam, BOLA Deli Tepung Maizena, dan pandan masak hingga mengental
9. Bagi menjadi dua, tambahkan secukupnya perisa taro ke dalam satu bagian, aduk rata
10. Siapkan cetakan atau mangkuk pudding, masukkan kue bugis dan vla santan
11. Kue bugis mandi siap disajikan
Untuk resep-resep lain yang menarik dan mudah kalian bisa cek di:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/boladeli.id/
Facebook: https://facebook.com/boladeli.id
YouTube: https://youtube.com/c/BOLADeli
FKS Mart: https://fksmart.id/
Taro Bugis Mandi Recipe (30 pcs)
Dough ingredients:
275 g BOLA Deli Glutinous Rice Flour
125 g taro, steamed and mashed
125 ml boiling water
2 tbsp vanilla powdered milk
130-140 ml instant coconut milk
Taro paste, to taste
Filling ingredients:
200 g freshly grated coconut
150 g sugar
½ tsp salt
½ tsp vanilla extract, colorless
2 pc pandan leaf
Coconut Sauce ingredients:
200 g instant coconut milk
200 g water
20 g BOLA Deli Cornstarch
2 pc pandan leaf
½ tsp salt
1. For the filling, heat the pan and add water, pandan leaves, sugar, and vanilla extract. Stir until the sugar is dissolved, then add grated coconut and salt. Cook until the water is reduced.
2. Once it’s cooled, shape into balls.
3. For the Bugs dough, steam the taro and mash. Strain to a smooth paste.
4. In a separate bowl, add BOLA Deli Glutinous Rice Flour and powdered milk. Stir, then pour the hot water in. Mix well.
5. Add the taro, taro paste, and coconut milk slowly. Mix until the dough comes together.
6. Shape the dough into cylinders. Divide and shape into balls.
7. Flatten the dough and fill it. Seal the dough and shape it into a ball again. Steam until cooked.
8. For the Coconut Sauce, combine the coconut milk, salt, BOLA Deli Cornstarch, and pandan leaves. Cook until thickened.
9. Divide the sauce into two. Add taro paste, to taste, into one of them and mix.
10. Prepare a cup or a bowl. Add the Bugis Mandi and Coconut Sauce in.
11. Bugis Mandi is ready to serve.
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