8 Views· 19 August 2022
BEST Setups of 2020!!! Room Tour Project 235
As we roll into 2021, let's take a look at the best gaming, streaming, work, and desk setups from ALL of 2020!!! Each submission episode will be listed below for you to check out if you wanna.
RTP 200 - Bert: https://youtu.be/KGd0zNvmzu8
RTP 213 - Bastyy: https://youtu.be/LeVedmSmUsM
RTP 216 - Stylesofman: https://youtu.be/KVWyy3CxvEw
RTP 218 - Jordan P: https://youtu.be/msb9hie-f_8
RTP 221 - Twinskunk: https://youtu.be/WZgy4TGKV5Y
RTP 222 - cheekiskrub: https://youtu.be/qUX8cAtLJkI
RTP 226 - Natalie: https://youtu.be/bDmBlr6XJtQ
RTP 226 - Jhazes: https://youtu.be/bDmBlr6XJtQ
RTP 229 - Chris M: https://youtu.be/KBBF3za33mw
RTP 231 - aarav.nsc: https://youtu.be/NVdpBePRuyg
RTP 232 - Havoc: https://youtu.be/hlBNiLL1ouY
RTP 232 - Bruno E: https://youtu.be/hlBNiLL1ouY
RTP 234 - Hamad: https://youtu.be/fIQSM6G_6Vw
* If you want to submit your setup **
1. Upload 10-15 photos of your setup, PC (open & closed), and all gear/peripherals to an Imgur album (use IMGUR ONLY, nothing else). Please only submit horizontal photos with no extreme close-ups of 1 product. Vertical pictures will be rejected.
2. Include in the email your entire PC specs and all gear/peripherals you have shown, in a format exactly as I have it above, but please do not submit your own Amazon links - it'll end up in spam. Again, PLEASE submit your gear list in the EXACT format to how I have above.
3. Send the IMGUR link in an email to RTPsubmission@gmail.com
Failure to do any of these steps will result in an automatic rejection to your setup.
FTC Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
#RoomTourProject #RTP