2 Views· 20 October 2022
CGI 3D Animated Short
Check out this dramatic 3D animated short film called "Angle Mort" created by the talented team of Maud Bourgeais, Ruben Cohen, Sarah Dupont, Gaël Heux completed as their animated graduating short from the ESMA! For more information, please see the credits below.
For more information, please see the details and links below:
Réalisé par : Maud Bourgeais, Ruben Cohen, Sarah Dupont, Gaël Heux.
Musique : Paul-Daniel Teodorescu, Steve Ray Fernandes
Son et Mixage : Jose Vincente et Yoann Poncet (studiodesaviateurs.fr/)
Ecole Supérieure des Métiers Artistiques deMontpellier 2012
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