2 Views· 12 September 2022
Film Theory: Wall-E's Secret Cannibalism... More Juicy Proof!
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The Disturbing Lore of M&Ms ► https://youtu.be/6ennbi0E-0Q
OnlyCans Meaty Secret ► https://youtu.be/N-I7ktbVVVg
About 4 years ago, I released a theory saying that the movie Wall-E was about cannibalism. It was likely what solidified my place as King of Ruining Your Childhood forever. Theorists, today I am doubling down on that theory. The proof is in the pudding, or rather, it is in the cup. Where does the food come from and what is in it? Get ready for another heaping helping of people!
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#WallE #Pixar #PixarTheory #Disney #DisneyTheory #Cannibalism #Theory #FilmTheory #Matpat
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Writers: Matthew Patrick and Justin Kuiper
Editors: Thomas Torbergsen, Koen Verhagen, Danial "BanditRants" Keristoufi, and Dan "Cybert" Seibert
Assistant Editor: AlyssaBeCrazy
Sound Editor: Yosi Berman