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2 Views· 06 August 2022

Restore rusted antique knives | Antique handmade knife restoration | Making sword tiny


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Restore rusted antique knives | Antique handmade knife restoration | Making sword tiny
Hello all you are watching my video. This is my next video, the video is restored, restoring an old knife, forgotten for a long time, the knife was severely damaged, and I thought of an idea, turning it into a bar small sword. I've used some manual remedies to remove rust, refresh and roll it. After recovery, recovery, I have a beautiful sword, it is a useful tool for me.
Thanks for watching my video, if you find me doing well, please support me, comment, share and subscribe to the channel, so I have more motivation to make the next video..

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Restore rusted antique knives | Antique handmade knife restoration | Making sword tiny

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