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1.2K Views· 13 September 2022

SHE-HULK Trailer #1 HD | Disney+ Concept | Tatiana Maslany, Mark Ruffalo


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This is a FAN MADE trailer.

Music from Tunetank.com
Aliaksei Yukhnevich - Promethean (Copyright Free Music)
Download free: https://tunetank.com/t/2qqa/5211-promethean

Marvel's SHE-HULK tv series is set to premiere on Disney+ in 2022. It will feature 10 episodes and be part of the MCU Phase Four. Tatiana Maslany (star of Orphan Black) has been cast as Jennifer Walters aka She-Hulk! She-Hulk is the cousin of Bruce Banner (who will also be returning for the series) and is a lawyer who will specialise in superhuman cases while occasionally turning big and green!

In recent news, Jameela Jamil has been cast as Titania - a comic book rival of She-Hulk with super strength.


Credit to YouTuber Garrett Gilchrist who's She-Hulk YouTube series helped inspire this edit. Some audio originates from the channel. Check out his stuff here: https://www.youtube.com/user/ocpmovie/featured

And credit to the incredible work of digital artist Arkenstellar! You can check out his art at:

She-Hulk's body in the thumbnail is from an amazing piece by Jeff Chapman. See his latest work here!


- This channel produces CONCEPT trailers -
Videos are not intended to trick or confuse, they are produced using multiple existing trailers and film to create something new and exciting. Characters or movies that are unreleased or set to release can be brought to life on this channel!


Copyright Disclaimer: This video is protected under fair use. It uses brief clippings of existing media to communicate a new concept/idea that fans are able to consume as either celebratory or theoretical commentary on how a film/cinematic universe could look. This is often intended as parody and/or social critique on the typical male hero-trope either by providing light on female heroism in its place or by mimicking action trailer themes. It draws upon existing art to suggest new ventures and/or propose changes to current products.

#SheHulk #MCU

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