6 Views· 12 November 2022
English Pronunciation Mistake: Get rid of that ‘E’! (especially for Spanish speakers)
Do you speak Spanish? Many Spanish speakers make the same pronunciation mistake in English; They pronounce an extra ‘e’ at the beginning of words. For example, some Spanish speakers say “eschool” instead of “school”. The first step to improving is to know your mistakes. Do you make this mistake? Listen to more examples in the video. I will show you the most common words where I hear this mistake, and I will give you my tips on how to stop saying the extra ‘e’. https://www.engvid.com/english....-pronunciation-mista
More of my English pronunciation videos:
English Pronunciation for Brazilians https://youtu.be/ObyK7oTryPw
15 ways to improve your English pronunciation https://youtu.be/KmoJ-YpvxqQ
In this lesson:
00:00 Do you make this common pronunciation mistake?
01:23 Two quick recommendations
02:46 How to fix this mistake
14:00 Review & Conclusion