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2.2K Views· 22 September 2022

Iris Miring! Resep Sate Maranggi Empuk TANPA Pengempuk [Idul Adha]


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00:00 : intro
01:25 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:52 : memotong daging (slicing the beef)
03:10 : membuat bumbu marinasi (making the marinating sauce)
04:55 : mulai membakar (grilling the satay)
05:08 : membuat sambal tomat (making the Tomato Sambal)
06:25 : hidangan siap dan tahap plating (the dish is ready to plate and serve)


Resep Sate Maranggi. Sate Maranggi banyak kita jumpai di daerah Purwakarta. Hidangan khas sunda ini terbuat dari daging sapi yang dipotong-potong dan dibalur dengan bumbu bakar khusus. Semakin nikmat disajikan bersama lontong atau nasi timbel.

Resep Sate Maranggi (12 tusuk)

300 gr daging has dalam

Bumbu halus:
6 siung bawang putih
10 siung bawang merah
3 cm lengkuas, iris
2 sdt ketumbar, sangrai
3 sdm air asam jawa
4 sdm Kecap Sedaap Kedelai Hitam Special
1 sdm gula merah
1 sdt garam
1 sdt merica
½ sdt kaldu jamur

Sambal tomat:
2 buah tomat
5 cabai rawit merah
15 cabai rawit hijau
1 siung bawang putih
3 siung bawang merah
2 buah jeruk limau
½ sdt garam
1 sdt gula

1. Iris daging memanjang kurang lebih selebar jari, dengan arah memotong serat
2. Blender semua bumbu halus hingga benar-benar halus, tuang ke dalam daging aduk rata, marinasi daging minimal 1-2 jam
3. Setelah dua jam, tusuk daging menggunakan tusuk sate yang sudah direndam terlebih dahulu, tusuk daging dengan arah zig-zag
4. Panaskan griller, oles dengan sedikit minyak / lemak sapi, panggang kedua sisi sate sambil sesekali dioles dengan sisa bumbu halus, panggang sate dengan tingkat kematangan sesuai selera
5. Untuk sambal tomat, ulek bawang putih dan garam hingga halus. Tambahkan cabai rawit merah dan hijau ulek hingga halus, masukkan irisan tomat bumbui dengan gula, beri perasan jeruk limau, aduk rata
6. Sajikan sate maranggi dengan sambal tomat, irisan bawang merah, jeruk limau, dan kecap manis

Kitchen equipment by MODENA

Kitchen cabinet by METRIC

Instagram: https://instagram.com/brewsuniq/
Website: https://brewsuniq.com/


Slice it Diagonally! Tender Maranggi Satay Recipe with NO Tenderizer [Eid al-Adha]

Maranggi Satay is most commonly found in Purwakarta area. This Sundanese dish is made of sliced beef and marinated with a special grilling sauce. It tastes even better when it's served with rice cakes or Timbel rice.

Maranggi Satay (yield: 12 skewers)

300 g tenderloin

The spices:
6 clove garlic
10 pc shallots
3 cm galangal, sliced
2 tsp coriander, roasted
3 tbsp tamarind juice
4 tbsp "Sedaap Kedelai Hitam Special" sweet soy sauce
1 tbsp brown sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp mushroom stock powder

Tomato Sambal:
2 pc tomatoes
5 pc red bird's eye chili
15 pc green bird's eye chili
1 clove garlic
3 pc shallots
2 pc Kaffir lime
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar

1. Cut the beef into long slices to about a forefinger wide. Cut in the direction of the grain.
2. Blend all the spices to a paste. Add to the beef and mix well. Marinate the beef for at least 1-2 hours.
3. After 2 hours, skewer the meat on a pre-soaked skewer using a zigzag pattern.
4. Heat up the griller. Brush a bit of oil or beef fat. Grill both sides of the satay and baste with the marinating sauce once in a while. Adjust the doneness to your liking.
5. For the Tomato Sambal, mash the garlic with salt to a paste. Add the red and green bird's eye chili. Mash to a fine paste, then add sliced tomatoes. Season with sugar and Kaffir lime juice. Mix well.
6. Serve Maranggi Satay with Tomato Sambal, sliced shallots, Kaffir lime, and sweet soy sauce.


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