7 Views· 23 September 2022
UI Design a Portfolio site in Figma - full course
Learn how to design a portfolio web UI from scratch in Figma
📂 Figma file
➡ https://www.figma.com/communit....y/file/1091549030995
🔗 Links mentioned in the video:
➡ Illustration by Xiao: https://www.figma.com/communit....y/file/1073771874570
➡ Miniverse 3D illustrations by Dddkit: https://www.figma.com/communit....y/file/1086469618136
➡ Icons from Material Design icons by Google Font: https://www.figma.com/communit....y/file/1014241558898
➡ Social Media Icons: https://www.figma.com/communit....y/file/1083690213687
➡ Diamond icons by Lili: https://www.figma.com/communit....y/file/1079690264559
➡ Icons Scarlab Icons by LaMoore: https://www.figma.com/communit....y/file/1051907827478
➡ Poppins Font: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Poppins
🖥 Visit our website for more Design tutorials
➡ UI Design Smart Home App in Figma: https://designcode.io/ui-smart-home
➡ UI Design Android Quick Apps in Figma: https://designcode.io/quick-apps-android-figma
➡ UI Design Quick Apps in Figma: https://designcode.io/quick-apps-figma
➡ Figma handbook: https://https://designcode.io/figma-handbook
➡ UI design handbook: https://designcode.io/ui-design-handbook
➡ iOS design handbook: https://designcode.io/ios-design-handbook
➡ UX design handbook: https://designcode.io/ux-design-handbook
👋🏻 Let's connect!
➡ Twitter: https://twitter.com/titepommee
➡ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pommydesign
🎵 Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!)
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#figma #uidesign #webdesign