18 Views· 09 January 2022
Ethical Investing is BAD Investing... Here's Why - How Money Works
Ethical investing has become incredibly popular in recent years.
The promise of being able to put your money towards businesses that don’t harm the environment, exploit vulnerable workers, or engage in bad business practices is obviously very attractive.
The idea of this practice is that by denying these bad companies access to investment, they won’t have the opportunity to grow and continue their harmful practices.
Some big names in the investment space have also backed up an ethical investing strategy by saying that not only will it do good for the world, but it will also do good for your wallet, because it can offer higher returns than a traditional investment strategy.
The problem is that… it almost certainly can't.
Ethical investing may feel good but under the surface it effectively re-brands one of the biggest mistakes that people are make when getting into investing, not being diversified…
What’s more is that ethical investing might not actually have the positive effect on the world that you might initially expect from listening to the thought leaders in this space.
So it’s time to Learn How Money Works and find out why ethical investing is bad investing.
#EthicalInvesting #Investing #HowMoneyWorks
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I was going to link to the Monte Carlo Simulator here, but it turns out that the software that I get given from work costs about $10,000 per year to use. So instead just read this to learn how to do almost exactly the same thing with Excel ? https://support.microsoft.com/....en-us/office/introdu