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10 Views· 12 September 2022

Famine in 2022



Connect A to B to give C, baffles world leaders

(From, Where there is no Doctor by David Verner)

https://www.pdfdrive.com/where....-there-is-no-doctor- (John's books free download)

Russia and Ukraine, produce 30% of the world’s wheat

Ukraine, provides food for 400 million people

Middle East and Africa

Between 2018 and 2021

People in crisis situations, acute food insecurity up 88%

Now over 139 million

161 million in 2022

Early February, Ukraine

Exporting 4.5m tonnes of food per month

20 million tonnes of grain, currently stuck in Ukraine

Black Sea ports

15% of global corn

67% of global sunflower oil

UN food and agricultural price index


All time high in March

Cereal and meat price also record levels

Last year, Chicago wheat, $674 bushel

Now, $ 1,242

Global food prices 30% up on last year



UN secretary general António Guterres

When war is waged, people go hungry

60% of the undernourished people live in conflict areas


800 million undernourished people

140 million people suffering acute hunger

Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Haiti, Nigeria, Pakistan, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria and Yemen


44 million people in 38 countries,

at emergency levels of hunger

shortages of grain and fertiliser caused by the war,

warming temperatures,

pandemic-driven supply problems threaten to,

tip tens of millions of people over the edge into food insecurity

Followed by, malnutrition, mass hunger and famine, in a crisis that could last for years

The complex security, economic and financial implications require goodwill on all sides for a package deal to be reached

Let’s be clear: there is no effective solution to the food crisis without reintegrating Ukraine’s food production

Russia must permit the safe and secure export of grain stored in Ukrainian ports

Russian food and fertilisers must have full and unrestricted access to world markets

WFP head David Beasley, US secretary of state Antony Blinken

The world is on fire. We have solutions. We need to act

and we need to act now

greatest global food security crisis of our time

Energy prices, effects fertiliser, farm equipment

António Guterres

There is enough food for everyone in the world
but the issue is about distribution

In our world of plenty,

I will never accept the death from hunger of a single child, woman or man

Neither should the members of this Council.

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