77 Views· 21 July 2022
107 ColdFusion 2021 Revealing Details on How it was Created with Rak****h Naresh
Rak****h Naresh talks about “ColdFusion 2021 Revealing Details on How it was Created” in this episode of the CF Alive Podcast, with host Michaela Light.
Show notes
Today we talk about some of the challenges the Adobe CF team overcomed with corona virus lockdowns In India and the complexities of implementing multi-cloud and containers which are totally new features for ColdFusion.
CF 2021 new features
Game-changing release for the next decade
Easy cloud coding - even less lines of code than Node.js cloud
Multi-cloud support
More efficient scaling apps
Easier REST
CF Image size and load 80%+ better
Huge engineering task achieved
New master runtime to do this
Command-line installer (GUI optional)
Custom runtimes
New Language features
IIFE (Immediately Invokable Function Expressions)
Rest and spread operators
Destructing assignment
Identity operator
Dynamic switchcase
Iterator support
Java integration
Way faster than CF 11 or CF 2016
End of Life: CF11 already in 2019, CF 2016 in April 2021
Separate security team inside Adobe
3rd party vendor security certification
All team devs certified in security coding best practices
Backward compatible
Old CFML code runs fine
CF still works great on dedicated servers (not just cloud)
CF admin
All settings are scriptable
Why the change from CF 2020 to CF 2021 name
Because released at end of year
Next release code name announced
Testing it out
Free development version
CommandBox is the fastest way to download and install
When will the first hot fixes come out?
This was release last week
Questions from CFers
From thread https://www.facebook.com/group....s/CFprogrammers/perm
IDE support
- had used it for many years and migrated to other languages and frameworks due to IDE support (one of the major factors.)
I believe that a new version of CF Builder was announced at CF Summit last week - due to release in the first half of 2021. I will clarify in the interview. Thanks for the question!
PS have you checked out the free VSCode - it has EXCELLENT CFML support extensions.
New version of CF Builder built on VSCode
Front End tools
What are improvements is Adobe doing in competition with Angular, React and Vue.js?
how does CF 2021 work better with these front end technologies than CF 2018 did?
These are front-end frameworks and CF is server side. Both are independent of each other and can not be each other's competition. You can easily connect any front end framework with server side CF with rest calls which CF already supports.
JavaScript better data type preservation
Easier REST coding
Possible future auto generation of REST services