25 Views· 23 October 2022
Bringing Back the Lost Aspen Forests of Scotland
In Scotland, aspen mostly exists as small, isolated fragments often consisting of single relict trees. To restore the natural diversity of the native pinewoods and return aspen to the landscape, we are embarking on a long-term project to plant and support the natural regeneration of aspen trees in Scotland.
🍂 Read more about our Aspen Project: https://mossy.earth/projects/r....ewilding/restoring-a
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0:00 Intro
0:53 The Aspen
1:21 Role in Rewilding
2:13 Our Results This Season
Eurasian aspen (Populus tremula) is a keystone species that is largely missing from Scottish woodlands today. Beginning in Spring 2021, we are launching an ambitious project to plant and protect 10,000 aspen trees over the next 5 years. We are planting open areas with trees grown in nurseries and trialling different techniques to protect naturally regenerating aspen from deer browsing e.g. planting thorny shrubs. We will focus our efforts in riparian areas where aspen play an important role in stabilising the river bank, creating shade and providing nutrients in the form of leaf fall. In doing so, we will help sequester carbon, create important woodland habitat and improve the health of Scotland's rivers.
This project together with all the other ones we do is funded by members, normal people like you and me that want to do something good for our wilderness areas.
Thank you to you all, for making our work possible!
- The team at Mossy Earth
#Rewilding #Aspen