26 Views· 23 October 2022
Building a native tree nursery in the Namibian deep south
This week we go back to the Namibian deep south where Mossy Earth members voted for us to build a native tree nursery to house rare tree species, succulents and grasses used in our restoration efforts
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The region we will be working in Namibia is characterised by open desert shrubland interspersed by mountainous terrain, wooded ephemeral (intermittent water) and perennial (constant water) river beds, and grassy sand and gravel plains. These habitats are threatened by overgrazing, the spread of non-native Prosopis spp., climate change and erosion. Oana has already made great progress in clearing large areas of Prosopis and will soon be able to start restoring the river beds as well as the grassland ecosystem through planting. To do so, they require a local nursery where the native species can be propagated and taken care of until they are strong enough to be planted out in the harsh conditions of Southern Namibia.
The funding from this project will cover the main supplies needed to build a 300 m2 nursery. This nursery will supply the seedlings and saplings of native trees and grasses for future planting and restoration, and house native succulents, like elephant’s trunk (Pachypodium namaquanum) and quiver tree (Aloidendron dichotomum), in case of local extinctions. The funding will enable Oana to purchase the shade cover, seed house, irrigation system and planting equipment (pots, secateurs, buckets etc.).
You can read all about the project here: https://mossy.earth/projects/rewilding/building-tree-nursery
Drone footage by Mallimak Media
0:00 Intro
0:25 Building an indigenous nursery
1:05 Timeline of the nursery
1:20 Thank you to our members!
1:35 Outro