2 Views· 22 September 2022
★南乳炆豬手 簡單做法★ | Pork knuckles with Fermented Bean Sauce Simple Recipe
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MamaCheung's “Chinese Pork Knuckle with fermented bean sauce", a mouth-watering dish. Please subscribe to my channel, give me a thumbs up and share this recipe to other foodies! Thank you.
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材料 Ingredients (四人份量/4 people portions):
一隻三斤重豬手 1.8kg Pork knuckle
二百克大粒花生 200g Peanuts
四粒蒜頭切碎 4 cloves of garlic (diced)
三粒紅蔥頭切片 3 shallots (sliced)
八片厚切姜片(拍鬆) 8 thick slices of ginger (crushed gently)
四十克南乳 (加半湯匙南乳汁) 40g fermented red bean sauce + 1/2 TBS of its juice
一湯匙柱候醬 1 TBS Chu Hau sauce
一湯匙蠔油 1 TBS Oyster sauce
半茶匙老抽 1/2 tsp dark soy sauce
三十克冰糖 30g rock sugar
半茶匙鹽 1/2 tsp salt
半茶匙胡椒粉 1/2 tsp ground pepper
陳皮一片 (去囊) 1 dried tangerine peel (scrape off its pith)
兩粒八角 2 star anise
四十毫升紹興酒 40ml Shaoxing wine