13 Views· 08 August 2022
How Much Does Lil Red Heidi Hood Make On YouTube?
How Much Does Lil Red Heidi Hood Make On YouTube?
Living in North Carolina, Lil Red Heidi Hood is an adventure enthusiast and model, and is sure to take her viewers along with her as she explores the outdoors. Her interest particularly shows in her love for fishing, which she has created a brand from – even extending it to selling fishing baits and equipment aside from managing her YouTube platform. Now, let’s examine her income sources.
Let’s have a look at how much Lil Red Heidi Hood makes on YouTube.
AdSense - We estimate that Lil Red Heidi Hood currently makes $2.3K every month.
Merchandise earnings - Assuming Lil Red Heidi Hood makes a profit margin of 20% from the merchandise sales, their income would be an estimated $49.8k per year.
Lil Red Heidi Hood uses approximately 20% of their annual income to pay for expenses which is $9.9k leaving $39.8k liable for taxes.
Lil Red Heidi Hood pays $762 in FICA tax. This means that they take home $9.2k per year.
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