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2 Views· 02 September 2022

데이브 [한국 온 지 6개월 된 외국인과 6년 된 외국인 차이] Someone living in Korea for 6 months vs 6 years


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안녕하세요! 참 이제 한국 온지 6년 됐네요.. 이런 영상 좀 오랜만이죠! 이거 리메이크인데요..옛날에 한국 온지 4개월 vs 4년 영상 있었는데 그때 핸드폰으로 찍었고 편집 별로 할줄 몰랐는데 컨셉 너무 아까워서 다시 만들었어요! 너무 진지하게 받아들이지 마시고 재미있게 봐주세요 ^_^
Living in Korea for 6 months vs 6 years. I've been in Korea for 6 years already. How time flies. This video is actually a remake of an old video..but back in the day I shot the video with my phone plus I didn't really know how to edit..So i found it a waste of a good concept so I remade the video. It's not completely all true and serious, so try not to be like NUH-UH I'VE BEEN HERE FOR LIKE 5 MONTHS AND I'M NOT LIKE THAT. It's all in good humor. Enjoy guys :) I'm sure a lot of foreigners who've been living here have already seen small changes in their own persona as well. Enjoy :)

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