2 Views· 12 September 2022
Game Theory: Candy Crush, Designed to ADDICT
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Mobile gaming is EVERYWHERE. Candy Crush, Clash of Clans, Total Conquest, Dungeon Gems, and while other games sit on the shelves collecting dust, we're spending our time swiping at tiles. WHY? Why are we so addicted to these games? The truth involves brain chemistry in a way you would NEVER expect!
Check out some more of our awesome video game content:
Game Theory: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PL35FE5C4B15
Game Exchange: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLCBEC827914
Digressing and Sidequesting (DSNQ): https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLOl4b517qn8