0 Views· 31 October 2022
British Numbers confuse Americans - Numberphile
Title changed for Grey!!!
Two Americans living in England discuss the numeric nuances which cause them problems.
More links & stuff in full description below ↓↓↓
Featuring... Uber YouTuber CGPGrey - http://www.youtube.com/user/CGPGrey
Linguist Lynne Murphy - http://separatedbyacommonlanguage.blogspot.co.uk/
The good bits of animation by Pete McPartlan - http://www.petemcpartlan.co.uk/
Music by Alan Stewart - http://www.youtube.com/user/AlanKey86
Interviews and video by Brady Haran - http://www.bradyharan.com/
Website: http://www.numberphile.com/
Numberphile on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/numberphile
Numberphile tweets: https://twitter.com/numberphile
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Videos by Brady Haran
Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/numberphile
Brady's videos subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/BradyHaran/
Brady's latest videos across all channels: http://www.bradyharanblog.com/
Sign up for (occasional) emails: http://eepurl.com/YdjL9
Numberphile T-Shirts: https://teespring.com/stores/numberphile
Other merchandise: https://store.dftba.com/collections/numberphile