287.1K Views· 10 September 2022
Dividing angles - the parallel board method - Woodworking Tips!
A little while ago we looked at the first and most important method used in joinery to divide angles, using a pair of compasses. Today we're looking at method #2 for angle bisection - the parallel board method. There'll be a couple more methods coming up in tips videos so don't forget to subscribe! This method is handly for bisecting angles in all sorts of situations - if requires having a board or plank of wood to hand with perfectly parallel sides, such as a piece of skirting board / baseboard.
Method #1 - Dividing angles with compass: https://youtu.be/zOiCzb0nQYo
Method #2 - Dividing angles with parallel board: https://youtu.be/y20thA8Ghqw
Here's some affiliate links to products I use or would consider using - read more about affiliate links at the bottom of this description:
Silverline Adjustable Bevel / Angle Finder: https://gosforthhandyman.com/u....k-links/silverline-a (UK)
Swanson Sliding Bevel: https://gosforthhandyman.com/u....s-links/swanson-adju (US)
Bosch Digital Angle Measurer and Mitre Finder: https://gosforthhandyman.com/u....k-links/bosch-digita (UK)
Bosch Digital Angle Measurer and Mitre Finder: https://gosforthhandyman.com/u....s-links/bosch-digita (US)
Drawing Compass: https://gosforthhandyman.com/u....k-links/locking-comp (UK)
Drawing Compass: https://gosforthhandyman.com/u....s-links/drawing-comp (US)
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