1 Views· 07 December 2022
Train Trip - Enjoy! Running English Kids Songs - PonyRang TV Kids Play
Train Trip
Ride the train and travel
Let's go on a trip
Choo choo chuga chuga oh so fun
Let's go very fast
Facing every body daddy mommy brother
Through the windows what do are see?
Beautiful scenes go by
The blue sky is up ahead
we pass by the fluffy cotton clouds
The green mountains clear rivers
and the birds joyfully sing a song
Ride the train and travel
Let's go on a trip
Choo choo chuga chuga oh so fun
Let's go very fast
종이나라 포니랑 [키즈 콘텐츠]ㅣPaper Kingdom PonyRang [Kids Contents]ㅣ纸张王国波尼朗
종이나라 포니랑에 오신 것을 환영합니다
Welcome to Paper Kingdom PonyRang
종이나라 포니랑은 유아동 어린이를 위한 교육용 동요, 동화, 애니메이션 전문 콘텐츠입니다
Paper Kingdom PonyRang are specialized Education Content for Children; there are Children's Songs, Stories and Animations
纸张王国波尼朗是为幼儿童专门打造的童谣, 童话, 动画片等系列作品
PonyRang TV 서비스 플렛폼 [Service Platform]
IPTV Service
CHINA IPTV [CHINA] 중국내 다양한 채널 서비스
OTT Service
PonyRang TV [유튜브 YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UC5WzRyxuHEN2ZSHT6
PonyRang TV [네이버TV NaverTV] https://tv.naver.com/diconsoft
PonyRang TV [쥬니버 Jr. Naver] https://jr.naver.com/song/diconsoft_song
PonyRang TV [네이버 오디오클립 Naver Audio Clip] https://audioclip.naver.com/channels/7606
PonyRang TV [인스타그램 Instagram] https://www.instagram.com/ponyrang.kids
PonyRang TV [틱톡 Tik Tok Global] https://www.tiktok.com/@ponyrang?lang=ko-KR&is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1
포니랑TV 채널에 가입하여 혜택을 누려보세요.
#Kids#Kids song#Kids play#learn#doll#Baby#Sound#Music#키즈동요#인기동요#어린이동요#최신동요#동요피아노#추천동요#동요모음