14 Views· 09 October 2022
🔥SQL Interview Questions 2022 | Frequently Asked SQL Interview Questions | SQL Training | SimpliCode
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This SQL interview Questions video by simplicode is curated in collaboration with real-time industry experts, ensuring the video covers the most frequently asked logical and technical interview questions based on and around SQL and PostgreSQL. The SQL interview question video covers everything to master structure query language using MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL server. You will get an idea about built-in SQL functions, joins, subqueries stored procedures, and see the top SQL interview questions that are frequently asked in the interviews.
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⏩ Check out the SQL training videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFq1pgli0OQ&list=PLEiEAq2VkUUKL3yPbn8yWnatjUg0P0I-Z
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What is SQL?
SQL stands from Structured Query Language. It is used to communicate with several relational databases such as MySQL, Oracle and MS SQL Server. Using SQL queries, you can fetch, update, delete and manipulate data that is stored in the form of rows and columns. SQL became the de facto standard programming language for relational databases after they emerged in the late 1970s and early 1980s. You can also permit users to perform specific tasks on tables, procedures, and views. SQL commands are divided into different types, such as data manipulation language (DML), data definition language (DDL), transaction control language (TCL), and data query language (DQL).
SQL Certification Training Course:
Master SQL and improve your career prospects with Simplilearn’s SQL Database Training Course. Functional knowledge of SQL (Structured Query Language), the leading programming language for relational database management systems, is in high demand and can set you apart in the job market. This SQL certification course gives you all of the information you need to successfully start working with SQL databases and make use of the database in your applications. Learn how to correctly structure your database, author efficient SQL statements, and clauses, and manage your SQL database for scalable growth.
Key Features:
✅ In-depth coverage of SQL fundamentals
✅ Covers all of the important query tools and SQL commands
✅ Industry-recognized course completion certificate
✅ Lifetime access to self-paced learning
SQL, though an old language, is highly significant today as companies across the world are gathering massive amounts of data for their growth. SQL consistently ranks high in the most-requested tech skills and learning it will add great value to your array of skills.
This online SQL certification course is ideal for freshers, programmers, software developers, and testing professionals who want to learn SQL. It’s also ideal for marketing professionals and salespeople who want to better understand their company’s data.
There are no prerequisites for this database training course. This course can be taken up by anyone who wants to learn SQL.
👉Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/sql-database-training-course?utm_campaign=SQLIQ9Aug22&utm_medium=Descritption&utm_source=youtube
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