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280974 Views· 08 November 2022



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CineSpinner Pencil Topper: motion animation from Moiré pattern effects of constructive and deconstructive interference.

Electrostatic Levitation: hand held Van de Graaf generator charges and repels a cylinder of thin aluminized Mylar. The charge evenly distributes over the surface of the conducting Mylar which balloons out due to the repulsion of the like charges.

Reflective Wind Spinner: this one translates rotating motion into a repeating expanding square. An interesting one of many ways to connect rotational motion to translational motion.

Photopolymer Reflective Hologram: incredible 3D image of the Starship Enterprise (NCC-1701) produced in the 1980s.

Reverspective: geometry in relief and perspective combine to produce the illusion of motion.

Mirror Illusion Bank: Symmetry + Reflection = Illusion. Supreme skateboard logo seemingly floats unsuspended - and pocket change disappears in this well made mirror illusion.

Buoyancy Discrepant Event: wood that sinks and a rock that floats!- a study in density properties of ironwood and pumice.

Paper Spring Kinetic Art: vintage piece of manipulable art by Henry Adams that utilizes the elastic properties of paper in a honeycomb configuration.

Magswitch: switchable permanent magnet- a twist of a knob turns on a magnetic field strong enough to lift this 5.2 kilogram (11 pound) chunk of railroad rail.

Icy Bodies by exploratorium: exquisitely beautiful and dynamic interactions between small chunks of dry ice and a shallow layer of water play out in this exhibit created by artist Shawn Lani at the Exploratorium in San Francisco. Frozen carbon dioxide (dry ice) is denser than water, but the small pieces do not sink- instead each piece, at −78.5 °C, becomes encapsulated in a shell of ice that then floats.

Diamagnetic Levitation: a small neodymium magnet is suspended above a plate of diamagnetic pyrolytic graphite.

Balancing Bottles: designed such that the combined center of mass of the wine rack and two bottles is directly above the base of the wood rack- because sometimes it takes two bottles of wine to bring life into balance! 🍷😜

Fused Optical Fiber Magnifier: magnification without lenses. Produced by heating and stretching a piece of fused optical fiber bundle- each individual fiber is stretched and thinned so that the fiber ends on one side are smaller than the other, allowing an image to be magnified (or shrunken) with each fiber providing one "pixel" of the image.

Floating Hourglass Puzzle: famous physics puzzle- why does the hourglass not start rising right away? The glass only ascends after about half of the sand has transferred to the lower bulb. ➡️Answer: I believe the best explanation is that initially the hourglass is top heavy, so it leans against the inner wall of the tube hard enough that friction holds it in place. As time goes by the sand moves from the upper chamber to the lower such that the center of mass of the tube transfers to the bottom, and the hourglass then straightens up and ascends.

One-way light transmission: sample of film designed to transmit light but not reflect it.

Micro-Mirror Interactive Art: the "love/hate" memo pad by Luycho. The displayed message is the product of 1280 mirror pixels (dimensions 2.0 x 2.5 mm), where each tiny mirror reflects a specific part of the memo pad below.

Primed Siphon: liquid moves until the water levels are equal- curious combination of the effects of gravity, molecular cohesion, and atmospheric pressure. The tube is hollow and pre-filled with water, and the spherical shells on each end are cups also full of water.

Magnetic Stirrer Vortex: whirlpool powered by a magnetic stirrer (like those in a chemistry lab) with a range of up to 2300 rpm. Investigating the intricately changing  structure of the vortex in slow motion.

MaBoRun Mini: interplay of potential energy of gravity and conservation of angular momentum- a simulation of decaying orbits as the marbles whirl down the funnel shaped tracks. A battery powered conveyor brings the marbles back to the top.

Feel Flux Loop: original (copper) and the "Skill Flux" version (aluminum)- toys that use Lenz's Law to manipulate a very strong neodymium magnet.

Viewing the Feel Flux Magnetic Field: Magneview film reveals the powerful field of the neodymium magnet as it falls with terminal velocity through the copper tube of the Feel Flux toy.

Background music by

NEFFEX - Destiny 🙌 [Copyright Free]
Watch - https://youtu.be/24C8r8JupYY

NEFFEX - Cold ❄️[Copyright Free]
Watch - https://youtu.be/WzQBAc8i73E

Sunny by KODOMOi https://soundcloud.com/kodomoimusic
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported  — CC BY 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/qlgC0XQ68Yw

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