0 Views· 02 September 2022
데이브[친동생과 콩글리쉬 뜻 맞춰보기] My brother & friend guess Konglish word meanings
여러분 아시겠지만 한국에만 있는 콩글리쉬 있는데요 재미로 제 동생이랑 친구 콩글리쉬 퀴즈 도전해봤습니다. 어떻게 생각 했는지 되게 신기했어요..왜냐하면 이제 저한테 콩글리쉬 더 편해졌기 때문에 ㅋㅋㅋ 재미있게 봐주세요! So as you guys know, Konglish is a form of English that only exists in Korean. For fun, I gave my brother and my friend the good 'ol Konglish quiz. It was really cool seeing what they thought the words were haha. Especially since I'm so used to all of these terms. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy the video :)
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#Konglish #콩글리쉬 #영어