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9 Views· 10 November 2022

How to Use Creatine Effectively: 6 Things You Need to Know



If you’re serious about maximizing your muscle size or maintaining strength during a cut, then creatine is definitely something you should consider taking. Knowing how to use creatine is essential in order to get the best results from it (when to take creatine, how to take creatine, etc.). Creatine is the most researched and science-backed product on the market, and for good reason.

The most common questions I get asked as a trainer and Kinesiologist are how to use creatine and how does creatine work. Throughout the video we will go through how creatine works, as well as the 6 most important things you need to know in order to use creatine most effectively. We will also briefly go through the concept of responders and non-responders to creatine.

1. The first point we will go through is what type of creatine should you get. There are a variety of different types of creatine but most studies have concluded that creatine monohydrate delivers the same (or in some cases better) effect as the other forms of creatine. However, polyethylene glycosylated creatine is one molecule that may be better absorbed by the body than creatine monohydrate.

2. The next thing we go through is what you should take it with. Studies have shown that taking creatine with 96g of carbs or an equivalent of 47g of carbs and 50g of protein was able to increase muscle creatine stores by 60% more than taking it with just water. Based on this, we can assume it’s better to take creatine with a post-workout meal or shake.

3. This brings me to the next point which is when to take it. Based on previous information from the second point, I would advise to take it post-workout with a meal or shake.

4. I often get asked whether to do a loading, or cycling protocol when taking creatine. Studies concluded that loading protocols provide faster initial effects but provide the same long-term effect as non-loading protocols. Cycling protocols do not appear to provide a more enhanced effect.

5. How long should you take creatine for? If you are a responder and it’s helping with your strength, then take creatine regardless of whether you’re bulking or cutting. In the case that you get bloated and want to cut, I would stop taking it.

6. You can stack creatine with beta-alanine which may provide more enhanced effects than creatine alone. I suggest adding 3g of beta-alanine to your daily creatine intake.

These points should provide you with in depth knowledge as to how creatine works and how to use creatine most effectively.

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