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3.4K Views· 04 August 2024

10 Exercises To Come Up With Profitable Business Ideas


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All right ya smarty pants. I know you're thinking. "This isn't actually 10 minutes, it's 16." Well there's EXTRA value for you! A jumbo taco of wisdom :)

Ideas are said to be a dime a dozen, and that they're "worthless" - compared to execution. Although taking ACTION is the most important part, you still need ideas and inspiration to get started!

Watch today's video for an overview of a bunch of business ideas you can start on right now. Grab something to take notes with! I expect to see your ideas in the comments.

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Top Takeaways:
00:00 Intro
00:21 1) Look at how you spend your money
02:00 2) Look how you spend your time
03:47 3) Get feedback from friends / social media
04:45 4) Consider if you had unlimited money
05:35 5) What have you done in your day job that you can make into your side hustle?
06:24 6) The first problem wins
07:22 7) Unbundle craigslist
07:55 8) The "to do list" text
08:30 9) Go on Reddit
09:48 10) Piggyback popular products
10:42 11) Create content
11:22 12) Sell your stuff
12:25 Validating your ideas
15:59 Underdog of the week

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