9 Views· 04 July 2022
11 Katie Littlejohn, NPWS. Schyeville - how a local project can dovetail into regional design
Full title: Reaching for the sky at Schyeville – How a local project can dovetail into regional design for Greater Sydney.
Many of the plant communities we manage are in varying stages of condition. For these to survive into the future will require sometimes significant intervention. What this restoration looks like needs some creative thinking and so far we have had some promising results and a few failures.
Katie Littlejohn is the Area Manager for National Parks and Wildlife Service’s Cumberland Area. NPWS manage 20 reserves across western Sydney from near Wisemans Ferry to Wilton. Prior to this Katie working as a Ranger mainly focussed on new reserves, including the establishment of Wianamatta Regional Park at the former Australian Defence Industries site at St Marys. Katie has a background is forestry with a mixture of commercial operations and land management for conservation.