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3 Views· 22 September 2022

Resep Ayam Goreng Rempah TANPA Ungkep: Gurih Sampai Ke Tulang!



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00:00 : intro
01:31 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:15 : membuat bumbu marinasi (making the marinade)
04:18 : goreng ayam (frying the chicken)
05:38 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve)


Resep Ayam Goreng Rempah. Ayam merupakan bahan baku yang mudah diolah menjadi berbagai macam masakan, salah satunya Ayam Goreng Rempah. Tekstur daging empuk dan dimasak dengan bumbu rempah semakin nikmat disantap dengan nasi putih hangat.

Resep Ayam Goreng Rempah (10 pcs)

10 potong paha ayam
1 sdm cuka
1 sdm santan
2 sdt garam
1 sdt kaldu ayam bubuk
1 sdt merica

Bumbu halus:
2 pcs serai
4 cm jahe
3 lembar daun jeruk purut
1 ruas kunyit
2 sdt ketumbar sangrai
2 sdt jinten
5 siung bawang putih
5 siung bawang merah
1 buah cabai merah besar
150 ml air

1 butir telur
2-3 sdm maizena
2-3 sdm tepung beras

Minyak untuk menggoreng

1. Masukkan bahan bumbu halus ke dalam blender kemudian blender hingga halus
2. Saring dan peras bumbu halus lalu tuang ke dalam mangkuk berisi ayam, masukkan santan, cuka, garam, kaldu ayam bubuk, dan merica lalu aduk rata kemudian diamkan 1-2 jam di suhu ruang atau semalaman di dalam kulkas
3. Campurkan telur, tepung maizena, dan tepung beras kemudian aduk rata dan tambahkan ayam dan bumbu marinasi lalu aduk rata
4. Siapkan minyak untuk menggoreng, goreng ayam dengan api sedang lalu campurkan air marinasi dan air (1:1) kemudian tuang ½ - 1 sendok sayur ke dalam pan kemudian aduk-aduk, ulangi proses ini 2-3 kali. Goreng hingga kuning keemasan kemudian kecilkan api dan goreng hingga cokelat keemasan, sisihkan
5. Ayam goreng rempah siap disajikan dengan sambal bilis atau sambal lain sesuai selera

Kitchen equipment by MODENA

Kitchen cabinet by METRIC


Herb Fried Chicken Recipe NO Braising: Savory to the Bones!

Chicken is an easy ingredient to cook into various dishes, one of which is Herb Fried Chicken. The tender meat and herb-y spices are the best to be enjoyed with warm rice.

Herb Fried Chicken Recipe (10 pcs)

10 pc chicken drumstick
1 tbsp vinegar
1 tbsp coconut milk
2 tsp salt
1 tsp chicken powder
1 tsp pepper

Blended Herbs & Spices:
2 pc lemongrass
4 cm ginger
3 pc Kaffir lime leaf
2 cm turmeric
2 tsp toasted coriander
2 tsp cumin
5 clove garlic
5 pc shallot
1 pc large red chili
150 ml water

1 pc egg
2-3 tbsp cornstarch
2-3 tbsp rice flour

Oil for frying

1. Add the herbs and spices to a blender. Blend until smooth.
2. Strain and squeeze the blended spices. Pour into a bowl with the chicken inside. Add coconut milk, vinegar, salt, chicken powder, and pepper. Mix well and marinate at room temperature for 1-2 hours or overnight in the fridge.
3. Combine the egg, cornstarch, and rice flour. Mix well and add the chicken with the marinating liquid in. Stir.
4. Prepare the oil for frying. Fry the chicken at medium heat. Mix the coating liquid and water (1:1) and pour in ½ - 1 ladleful of the mix into the pan. Stir and repeat the process 2-3 times. Fry until golden and lower the heat. Fry until golden brown and set aside.
5. Herb Fried Chicken is ready to serve with Sambal Bilis or other preferred sambal.


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