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4620 Views· 15 December 2024

Christmas Street Food in Berlin | Historical Christmas Market Food Tour | Street Food Berlin Germany


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The Germans are known for their many different Christmas Markets and their traditionally handmade Christmas Street Food Dishes, some of which we would like to introduce to you in this first edition of our “Christmas Street Food in Germany” Season.
If you want to enjoy the pre-Christmas period with medieval flair and traditional and medieval cuisine, you can do so at the Historical Christmas Market in Berlin. In addition to baking Berlin Pancakes, Apple Fritters and German Onion Cake, we will show you delicious Stews from the Kettle, Mutzenbraten and Original Hungarian Langos as well as the secret behind the delicious Roasted Almonds. There is also, of course, Mulled Wine, which is a must at any German Christmas Market.
Every Year since 2016, the Historical Christmas Market invites you to immerse yourself in Craft, Culinary and Acrobatic Arts. Let yourself be enchanted and pampered in one of the most extraordinary and unique Christmas Markets in Berlin.


RAW site Berlin
Entrance – Revaler Straße / corner of Dirschauer Straße
10245 Berlin-Friedrichshain

From Nov 16th, 2023 to Dec 22nd, 2023


Stall 1: WANDERBÄCKEREI KÖHLER – http://www.wanderbaeckerei.de/
Stall 2: SUPPENTOPF – http://www.suppentopf.net + https://www.facebook.com/suppentopfmanufactur
Stall 3: ROASTED ALMONDS – http://www.zonkus-conkus.de
Stall 4: LANGOS - BETYÁR BISTRO – https://www.facebook.com/betyarbistro
Stall 5: FLAMMLACKS – http://www.zonkus-conkus.de

DIE FLUGTRAEUMER – Artistics, Acrobatics & Fireshow
Website: http://www.flugtraeumer.de
Email: booking@flugtraeumer.de

[2] Pasteurized Eggs

[3] Untreated Organic Lemons

[4] White Wine

[5] Berlin Pancakes & Appel Fritters

[6] Classic German Onion Cake

[7] Sausages in a Dressing Gown / Sausage & Cheese baked in Dough

[8] All Soups & Stews are Homemade with a lot of Passion

The Maaß Family is dedicated to homemade soups and stews - with a lot of love and passion.

[9] Chilli con Carne

[10] Everything from a trusted Regional Butcher

[11] The Flight Dreamers / Artistry, Juggling & Fire Show

More information: http://www.flugtraeumer.de
Email: booking@flugtraeumer.de

[12] Mutzbraten / Roasted Pieces of Shoulder or Neck of Pork

[13] Lángos is a Traditional Hungarian Fried Specialty

[14] Mulled Wine

[15] Flamed Salmon

[16] Hungarian Goulash

Next week we proudly present the Making of Hungarian Goulash from the Maaß Family Stall “SUPPENTOPF”.

Every Sunday at 10 a.m. (CET) a new tasty Moodi Foodi Video!😍
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Then you won't miss a new yummy Street Food Berlin Video!😋

Stay Hungry!✌️

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14 days ago

Great work on 'Christmas Street Food in Berlin | Historical Christmas Market Food Tour | Street Food Berlin Germany'! Can't wait for more! 🚀
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So glad I found 'Christmas Street Food in Berlin | Historical Christmas Market Food Tour | Street Food Berlin Germany'—instant favorite! ❤️
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