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1.3K Views· 20 August 2024

How do Hard Disk Drives Work? 💻💿🛠


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Have you ever wondered how Hard Disk Drives can store billions of bits of data within the volume of a short, small brick? Thinking about it, it's really truly incredible that a library worth of data, millions of photos, or thousands of videos can be stored in a device that costs less than $100. Data storage has truly evolved to incredible densities over the past 6 decades, and in this video, we're going to see how exactly a Hard Disk Drive stores data, how it reads and writes data, and then the cutting-edge technologies that are continuing to decrease the size of each bit of data.

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Table of Contents:
00:00 - Introduction to Hard Disk Drives.
01:00 - Components inside a Hard Disk Drive.
04:42 - Writing to an HDD.
07:40 - Reading from an HDD.
10:11 - Fitting more bits per area.
11:05 - PCBWay Sponsorship
12:12 - Cutting-edge HDD Technology

Key Branches from this video are: How do SSDs Work? || How does DRAM Work?

Erratum: CMR is 'Conventional Magnetic Recording' not 'Classic' Magnetic Recording. CMR is also called PMR 'Perpendicular' Magnetic Recording.

Animation & Modeling: Prakash Kakadiya
Animation: Mike Radjabov
Script: Teddy Tablante
Twitter: @teddytablante
Voice Over: Phil Lee
Sound Design: www.drilu.world
Music Editor & Mixer: Luis Zuleta
SFX: Raul Raul Nuñez
Sound Supervisor & Editor: Luis Huesca
Founder of Branch Education: Theodore J Tablante

Animation built using Blender 3.3 https://www.blender.org/


Chen, Ben M. Lee, Tong H. Hard Disk Drive Servo Systems 2nd Edition. Springer, 2006.

Jacob, Bruce. Ng, Spencer W. Wang, David T. Memory Systems, Cache DRAM, Disk. Morgan Kaufmann, 2008.

Magnetic Hard Disk https://www.sciencedirect.com/....topics/physics-and-a

Modern HDD Technologies that are bringing hard disks back. Sullivan, Erin. https://www.techtarget.com/searchstorage/

Magnetic Recording on Nanostructures https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/phy....sik/OFGF/research/ma

Hard Disks Give New Technologies A Spin. Feldman, Michael. https://www.nextplatform.com/2....019/10/17/hard-disks

Hard Drives 101: Magnetic Storage. Bestofmedia Team. https://www.tomshardware.com/r....eviews/hard-drive-ma

Lasers vs. Microwaves: The Billion Dollar Bet on The Future of Magnetic Storage. Nordrum, Amy. https://spectrum.ieee.org/lase....rs-vs-microwaves-the

Wikipedia contributors. "Hard Disk Drives". "Magnetic Storage". "Perpendicular Magnetic Recording". "Shingled Magnetic Recording". "Storage Density". Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, Visited December 2022

#HardDiskDrive #Storage #Computer

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