3 Views· 22 September 2022
Renyah Tahan Lama! Resep UDANG KRISPI [Khas Bu Rudy Surabaya]
Resep lengkap buka di description box ini dan geser sampai ke bawah.
**English description is at the bottom section.**
00:00 : intro
01:13 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:30 : marinasi udang (marinating the shrimp)
04:18 : membuat tepung pelapis dan lapisi udang (mixing the flour and coating the shrimp)
05:09 : goreng udang (frying the shrimp)
07:15 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve)
#ResepUdangCrispy #ResepUdang #ResepDevinaHermawan
Resep Udang Krispi (untuk 5-6 porsi)
Bahan marinasi:
500 gr udang kecil / hurang, cuci bersih
½ sdm garam
1 ½ sdt baking powder
1 sdm kaldu jamur / penyedap
½ sdt merica
2 sdm cuka
Bahan lainnya:
220 gr tepung tapioka
30 gr tepung beras
Minyak Goreng Fortune
Sambal bawang (https://youtu.be/6vv6enFEVc4)
Nasi putih Beras Premium Fortune
1. Marinasi udang dengan garam, kaldu jamur, baking powder, merica, dan cuka, aduk rata. Diamkan 10-15 menit
2. Campurkan tepung tapioka dengan tepung beras, aduk rata
3. Masukkan udang ke dalam tepung lalu aduk dengan garpu
4. Ratakan udang dengan saringan
5. Panaskan minyak goreng fortune, goreng udang di api sedang besar selama 5 menit kemudian kecilkan api, goreng selama 20-25 menit, tiriskan
6. Jika kurang kering, panggang udang di suhu 110°C selama 15-25 menit
7. Udang krispi siap disajikan
Yuk cek Instagram @FORTUNECERMAT
Instagram: https://instagram.com/fortunecermat
Shopee: https://shopee.co.id/Fortune-C....ooking-Oil-Pouch-2-L
Blibli: https://www.blibli.com/cari/Fo....rtune?shipment=blibl
JD.ID: https://www.jd.id/product/fort....une-cooking-oil-pouc
Crispy Shrimp Recipe (yield 5-6 servings)
Marinade ingredients:
500 g small shrimp / “hurang”, rinsed clean
½ tbsp salt
1.5 tsp baking powder
1 tbsp mushroom stock powder / MSG
½ tsp pepper
2 tbsp vinegar
220 g tapioca flour
30 g rice flour
Fortune Oil
Sambal bawang (https://youtu.be/6vv6enFEVc4)
Fortune Premium Rice
1. Marinate the shrimp with salt, mushroom stock powder, baking powder, pepper, and vinegar. Mix well and marinate for 10-15 minutes.
2. Mix the tapioca flour with rice flour evenly.
3. Add the shrimp into the flour. Mix with a fork.
4. Sift the excess flour off.
5. Heat Fortune Oil. Fry the shrimp on medium-high heat for 5 minutes. Then, lower the heat and continue frying for 20-25 minutes. Set aside.
6. If the shrimp aren’t crispy enough, bake in the oven at 110°C for 15-25 minutes.
7. Crispy Shrimp is ready to serve.
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