5 Views· 20 September 2022
Animal ABC | 동물ABC | ABC미니특공대 | 동물 동요 | 미니팡TV 율동동요♬
미니팡TV에서 새롭게 선보이는 미니특공대 영어 율동동요!
매주 업로드 됩니다♡
지금 바로 삼지애니메이션 공식 유튜브 채널 ▷미니팡TV [구독]◁ 버튼을 꾸욱 눌러주세요!
▶미니팡TV 유튜브 구독하기: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCDuoZoikGpBAlX4BZ
▶Animal ABC Lyrics
Animal alphabet together!
Animal alphabet happily!
Animal alphabet sing with all of your animal friends
A ⇢ Alligator
B ⇢ Bear
C ⇢ Cow
D ⇢ Dog
E ⇢ Elephant
F ⇢ Fox
G ⇢ Giraffe
H ⇢ Horse
Everyone together sing out loud with your voice
Everyone together sing out loud with your voice
I ⇢ Impala
J ⇢ Jaguar
K ⇢ Kangaroo
L ⇢ Lion
M ⇢ Monkey
N ⇢ Narwhale
O ⇢ Orangutan
P ⇢ Pig
Animal alphabet together!
Animal alphabet happily!
Animal alphabet sing with all of your animal friends
Q ⇢ Quail
R ⇢ Rabbit
S ⇢ Sheep
T ⇢ Tiger
U ⇢ Unicorn
V ⇢ Vulture
W ⇢ Wolf
X ⇢ Miniforce X
Y ⇢ Yak
Z ⇢ Zebra
Sing with us together
One Two Three!
Animal alphabet together!
Animal alphabet happily!
Animal alphabet sing with all of your animal friends
Sing with all of your animal friends!
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