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The Vietnam War | Part 3 | Fallout & Recovery | Free Documentary History



The Vietnam War - Part 3: Fallout & Recovery | History Documentary

Watch 'The Vietnam War - Part 1' here: https://youtu.be/Z_YkVo0qEAA

The US's fear of communism caused American troops to go into Vietnam under President Kennedy in 1961. A war fought nightly on TV, it engendered a huge anti-war movement. By 1973, Nixon had resigned and the US was forced to withdraw in 1975.

In this episode: In 1972 Nixon orders the majority of US troops back. In 1974, after Watergate, he resigns. The US embassy is evacuated on April 30th 1975. In Vietnam the South face a backlash from the North and US veterans face dishonour and neglect back home. Today Vietnam is the world's second largest coffee producer, still ruled by a communist government and moving at the pace of China.


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