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0 Views· 14 October 2022

Why you should READ LESS*


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*as in putting less pressure on yourself with how MANY books you read, but rather focusing on the QUALITY of what you read. Basically, quality over quantity (as is the case with many things in life). Enjoy!


Benefits of Reading Books:

The brain in your pocket: Evidence that Smartphones are used to supplant thinking:

Reading Literary Fiction Improves Theory of Mind

Your Brain on Reading (Why Your Brain Needs You to Read Every Day)


Andrei Terbea - Lead Animator

Stefan Popa - Assistant Animator

Nicoleta Toader - Producer


"Delusional (Instrumental)" by Spring Gang
"Sudden Death (Instrumental)" by Sightless in Shadow

Outro song: Joakim Karud - "Loudness & Clarity"

#Books #OneBookAWeek #Reading

Some might read the title of the video and think "oh, cool, I don't have to read, I wasn't going to anyway". If that's the case, I suggest you watch the entire video first. Reading is very important, it has many benefits for your brain, and unfortunately, school prepares us from a young age to see reading as a chore or as something unpleasant. Then there's the other type of people who only read Personal Development and Self Help books, and that's mainly who I'm targeting with this video. The Self Help industry is making billions of dollars every year, often selling sub-par written content that gives the illusion of personal growth. There's so much more value in a novel, or a history book, than you will ever find in the average Self-improvement book. So although I'm talking about why you should read less, the moral of the story - spoiler alert - is why you should read more, or why you should be more selective with the type of books you're reading. Looking forward to the conversation in the comment section.

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