9 Views· 10 September 2022
Making Display Plinths - MDF Painting Tips (Part 3 of 3)
I'm making a bunch of display pedestals for an exhibition and it's time to paint the MDF! A lot of people are scared of painting MDF but it's really nothing to worry about - I'll be walking you through what I do in this vid. Please note that for these plinths the top surface will be entirely covered by what's on it... but no, you can't see the joins between the pieces and these look utterly awesome. Watch parts 1 & 2 to see what happened before this:
Part 1 - Building the boxes: https://youtu.be/dzZ2cIPi0nI
Part 2 - Preparing for paint: https://youtu.be/dU81V8dSYFM
Part 3 - Painting: https://youtu.be/v-XxLsOA-_0
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#MDF #Painting #DIYTips