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2 Views· 22 September 2022

Kenyal Gurih Manis! Resep KUE LAPIS PEPE COKELAT


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00:00 : intro
01:24 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:24 : membuat adonan dasar (making the base batter)
03:52 : bagi dua adonan lapisan cokelat dan putih (dividing into Chocolate and White layers)
05:10 : kukus lapis pepe (steaming the Pepe Layered Cake)
08:12 : membuat lapisan cokelat paling atas (making the Chocolate topmost layer)
09:04 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve)

#ResepKueLapis #ResepKuePepe #ResepDevinaHermawan


Resep Kue Lapis Pepe Cokelat (loyang ukuran 20x20 cm)

Bahan lapis pepe:
800 ml santan instan
800 ml air
6 lembar daun pandan
600 gr tepung sagu
650 gr gula pasir
1,5 sdt bubuk vanili atau 2 sdt perisa vanila
2 sdt garam

Bahan tambahan lapisan cokelat:
175 ml Indomilk Kental Manis Swiss Choco
3 sdm bubuk cokelat

Bahan tambahan lapisan putih:
150 ml Indomilk Kental Manis Plain

1 sdt kopi bubuk espresso
1 sdm bubuk cokelat
1 sdm tepung sagu
Minyak goreng untuk mengoles loyang

1. Campurkan santan, air, daun pandan, gula pasir, dan garam, masak hingga sedikit mendidih lalu dinginkan
2. Pisahkan daun pandan lalu masukkan tepung sagu dan bubuk vanili, aduk dengan balloon whisk hingga merata
3. Bagi 2 adonan lalu seduh bubuk cokelat dengan sedikit adonan, aduk rata
4. Campurkan ke dalam adonan cokelat lalu tuang Indomilk Kental Manis Swiss Choco, aduk rata
5. Untuk adonan putih, tuang Indomilk Kental Manis Plain, aduk rata
6. Untuk lapisan paling atas, pisahkan sekitar 2 centong adonan cokelat lalu campur dengan bubuk cokelat, kopi bubuk, dan tepung sagu, aduk rata
7. Oles loyang dengan minyak kemudian panaskan kukusan
8. Tuang satu centong adonan putih, kukus selama 4 menit lalu tuang satu centong adonan cokelat, kukus kembali selama 4 menit, ulangi hingga lapisan putih terakhir
9. Tuang campuran lapisan cokelat setelah lapisan putih kemudian kukus selama 20 menit
10. Diamkan lapis hingga dingin lalu keluarkan dari loyang
11. Lapis pepe siap disajikan

Jangan lupa Indomilk Kental Manis lagi ngadain promo GEMAS, Gerakan Menang Setiap Minggu dengan total hadiah MILYARAN RUPIAH. Caranya gampang, temukan kode unik di kemasan kaleng dan renceng sachet Indomilk Kental Manis, dan kirim melalui Whatsapp 0812-1234-0012. Menangkan Grand Prize: Uang Tunai Total Rp 600 Juta & 40 Logam Mulia @10gr serta Hadiah Mingguan: Pulsa Total Rp 900 juta & total 60 Samsung A33. Periode 1 Agustus - 31 Oktober 2022.

Info lebih lengkap cek Instagram @INDOMILK.KENTALMANIS
Instagram: https://instagram.com/indomilk.kentalmanis
Website: http://indomilk.com/


Chocolate Pepe Layered Cake Recipe (for 20x20 cm or 8x8” pan size)

Pepe Layered Cake ingredients:
800 ml instant coconut milk
800 ml water
6 pc pandan leaf
600 g sago flour
650 g sugar
1.5 tsp vanilla powder or 2 tsp vanilla extract
2 tsp salt

Chocolate Layer additional ingredients:
175 ml Indomilk Swiss Choco Condensed Milk
3 tbsp cocoa powder

White Layer additional ingredients:
150 ml Indomilk Plain Condensed Milk

1 tsp espresso powder
1 tbsp cocoa powder
1 tbsp sago flour
Oil to brush the pan

1. Mix the coconut milk, water, pandan, sugar, and salt. Bring to a boil, then let cool.
2. Remove the pandan leaves, then add sago flour and vanilla powder. Mix with a balloon whisk evenly.
3. Divide the batter into two parts. Dilute the cocoa powder with the mixture. Stir evenly.
4. Add the diluted cocoa into the Chocolate batter, then add Indomilk Swiss Choco Condensed Milk. Mix well.
5. For the White batter, add Indomilk Plain Condensed Milk. Mix well.
6. For the topmost layer, set aside about 2 ladles worth of Chocolate batter. Mix it with cocoa powder, espresso powder, and sago flour. Mix well.
7. Brush the pan with oil, then heat up the steamer.
8. Pour one ladleful of the White batter. Steam for 4 minutes, then pour one ladleful of the Chocolate batter. Steam again for 4 minutes. Continue until the last White layer.
9. Pour the topmost Chocolate layer, then steam it for 20 minutes.
10. Let the Layered Cake cool down, then remove it from the pan.
11. Pepe Layered Cake is ready to serve.


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