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1 Views· 22 September 2022

Ditumis Gini, Jadi Nambah 3x! Resep Telur Kemangi ala Thai. Praktis!


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00:00 : intro
01:24 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:20 : ceplok telur (frying the eggs)
04:55 : tumis bumbu (sautéing the spices)
06:54 : hidangan siap dan tahap plating (the dish is ready to plate and serve)


Terinspirasi dari makanan Thailand, Pad Kra Pao atau Thai Basil Chicken, kali ini aku modifikasi tanpa menggunakan daging ayam giling melainkan telur. Perpaduan rasa pedas dari cabai dan wangi dari daun kemangi DIJAMIN menambah lezat sajian olahan telur ini. Cocok disantap dengan nasi hangat.

Resep Telur Ceplok Bumbu Kemangi

10 butir telur
2 sdm bawang putih cincang
1 genggam bawang merah kupas
20 cabai rawit merah / hijau / campur
4 cabai merah keriting
2 cabai gendot
50 gr kemangi
4 sdm kecap ikan
4 sdm saus tiram
3 sdt gula
2 sdm air
Penyedap sesuai selera
Minyak untuk menumis dan menggoreng telur

1. Panaskan pan, ceplok telur matang dan setengah matang. Angkat lalu sisihkan
2. Iris cabai rawit, cabai keriting, dan cabai gendot sesuai selera
3. Tumis bawang merah hingga wangi
4. Masukkan semua cabai yang sudah diiris dan bawang putih
5. Bumbui dengan kecap ikan, saus tiram, gula, dan penyedap
6. Masukkan daun kemangi, masak hingga sedikit layu
7. Tambahkan sedikit air, aduk rata
8. Campurkan bumbu kemangi dengan telur yang sudah digoreng sebelumnya
9. Telur Bumbu Kemangi siap disajikan


Must Try, You WILL Be Hooked! Spicy Thai Basil Fried Eggs Recipe.

Inspired by a Thai dish called Pad Krapow or Thai Basil Chicken, this time I'm modifying this dish by using eggs instead of ground chicken. The marriage of the chili's spiciness and the lemon basil's fragrance is GUARANTEED to intensify this egg dish's flavor. This dish is ideal to be paired with warm rice.

Lemon Basil Fried Eggs Recipe

10 eggs
2 tbsp minced garlic
A fistful of peeled shallots
20 red / green / mixed bird's eye chili
4 curly red chili
2 Habaneros
50 g lemon basil
4 tbsp fish sauce
4 tbsp oyster sauce
3 tsp sugar
2 tbsp water
Flavor enhancers to taste
Cooking oil to sauté and fry the eggs

1. Heat the pan, fry the over well and sunny side up eggs. Remove and set aside.
2. Chop the bird's eye chili, curly chili, and Habanero to your preference.
3. Sauté the shallots until fragrant.
4. Add all of the chopped chili and garlic.
5. Season with fish sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, and flavor enhancers
6. Add the lemon basil, cook until they wilt.
7. Add a bit of water, mix well.
8. Combine the lemon basil mix with the fried eggs.
9. Lemon Basil Fried Eggs is ready to serve.


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