78 Views· 13 January 2023
Energy crisis: what can 1973 teach us?
Alongside his invasion of Ukraine, Vladimir Putin has throttled gas supplies to Europe—but the world has seen energy used as a weapon before. What can the energy shock of 1973 tell us about today’s crisis?
00:00 - Energy wars
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To read more on the war in Ukraine: https://econ.st/3k6ILzE
How the West’s price cap on Russian oil could roil energy markets: https://econ.st/3GUQpGD
The costs and consequences of Europe’s energy crisis are growing: https://econ.st/3Izg6O4
Europe faces an enduring crisis of energy and geopolitics: https://econ.st/3vPSn4L
Europe is growing complacent about its energy crisis: https://econ.st/3GT4YKw
Europe’s next energy crunch: https://econ.st/3jVpDEK
How to deal with Europe’s energy crisis: https://econ.st/3XmdkQg
Europe’s energy market was not built for this crisis: https://econ.st/3Qxvn3N
Europe scrambles to protect citizens from sky-high energy prices: https://econ.st/3k76boR
Europe’s winter of discontent: https://econ.st/3CA9laM