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3026 Views· 15 December 2024

Authentic Berlin Street Food | German Smoked Beer Pulled Pork Sandwich


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German Smoked Beer Pulled Pork Sandwich is actually known in Berlin as a traditional Pork Knuckle Dish it calls „Eisbein“, which we would like to introduce to you in this “Authentic Berlin Street Food” Episode.
From the juicy Pulled Pork Berlin Style Sandwiches to the tender „Kassler“ Pork Rib Sandwiches to the hearty „Bierkutscher“ Ham Cracker Sandwiches with two Ham Crackers, Sauerkraut cooked in Smoked Beer and Cucumber Mustard Relish on Top, Berlin Old School Classics are brought to new life here and become Contemporary Street Food , which doesn't exist a second time.
“Pannek seine Budike” from Neukölln, Berlin brings us a piece of Berlin's great culinary diversity back to the Streets and its Mission is clear: “Berlin can do more than just Currywurst and Kebab! Already had a delicious Eisbein or Pork Knuckle today?!”

Pannek seine Budike / Pannek his Budike* (*Budike = General Store)
➡️Locations & Events:

Contact & Follow:
➡️Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pannek_seine_budike
➡️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profi....le.php?id=1000635966
➡️Contact for Booking: http://pannek-seine-budike.berlin/anfrage/

[1] Pork Knuckle from the Local Butcher

[2] The Pork Knuckles are cooked for a total of 4 to 5 Hours

[3] Specially Smoked Pork Ribs fresh from the Butcher

[4] This is the Pork Knuckle Broth from the last Cooking Process

[5] Sauerkraut from Krögermann, Spreewald

[6] PANNEK SEINE BUDIKE / Carnival of Cultures, Kreuzberg, Berlin

[7] Smoked Beer from the Berlin Rollberg Brewery to cook the Sausages

[8] Homemade Spreewald Smoked Beer Sauerkraut

[9] Homemade Cucumber Mustard Relish

[10] Homemade Yellow Pea and Mustard Puree

[11] Ham Cracker from the Local Butcher / Schinkenknacker

[11] Pork Rip Sandwich / Kassler Rippchen Sandwich

[12] Berlin Pulled Pork Sandwich / Berliner Eisbein Sandwich

[13] Ham Cracker Hot Dog / Bierkutscher Hot Dog

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#porkribs #pulledpork #germanfood #moodifoodiberlin #streetfoodberlin

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