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2.5K Views· 23 September 2022

Bachelor Point | Season 3 | EPISODE- 65 | Kajal Arefin Ome | Dhruba Tv Drama Serial


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Drama: Bachelor Point | Season 3 | EPISODE-65
Story, Screenplay, Direction: Kajal Arefin Ome

Cast: Mishu Sabbir, Marzuk Russell, Chashi Alam, Ziaul Hoque Polash, Tamim Mridha, Mukit Zakaria,Abdullah Rana, Monira Mithu, Tanjin Tisha, Irfan Sajjad, Nadia Afrin Mim, Sabila Nur, Fs Nayeem, Masum Basher, Tasnuva Elvin, Sifat Shahrin, Nazmul Hashan Naeem

Cinematography: Bikash Saha & Mong Chen
Music: Ahmed Souren
Edit & Animation: Arifin Sarkar
Line Producer: Touhid Talukder
Executive Producer: Masud Ul Hasan
Produced By Dhruba Tv
Production: Motionrock Entertainment
Associate Director: Ziaul Hoque Polash

ব্যাচেলর পার্টি গানটি আপনার মোবাইলে ওয়েলকাম টিউন হিসেবে সেট করতে

Grameenphone : Type : WT space 9521153 Send to 24000.
Robi : Type : GET space 9521153 Send to 8466 .
Airtel : Type : CT space 9521153 Send to 3123.
Banglalink : Type : down9521153 Send to 2222.

Gp Music: https://player.gpmusic.co/releases/136545
Bl Vibe: http://player.blvibe.com/releases/132864
Robi Splash: https://splashmusic.co/releases/122005

Subscribe our channel : http://bit.ly/dhrubatv
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ধ্রুব টিভির জনপ্রিয় নাটক গুলি
1.The End - https://youtu.be/LbCvumziNj8
2. ME & U- https://youtu.be/8v_T-Bn-YmU
3. Shudhu Tumi -https://youtu.be/-E8nbFH9Smk
4. Bodyguard Hossen- https://youtu.be/KKQur9UHYYY
5. College Bunk- https://youtu.be/tLvF-HfcbtU
6. Only Me- https://youtu.be/Qqz1fdfK2j4
7. Unexpected Surprise - https://youtu.be/gOlT11clm4Y
8. Breakup party- https://youtu.be/tCRdHtZwnag
9. Uhh La La- https://youtu.be/lCSB6crHZwA
10.Seidin Ratey -https://youtu.be/xQ4Lyr8zxpg


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