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React JS Full Tutorial for Beginners (2022🔥) | What is React JS? - Learn React JS in 9 Hours


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In this detailed React JS tutorial, you will learn React JS in Hindi. This React JS crash course will help you get an overview of what is React JS and how to use and implement React JS for beginners.

React JS is a JavaScript library that builds user interfaces for single-page applications. It is open-source, which is used for handling the view layer for mobile apps and the web. You can also create reusable UI components with this react crash course.

With this detailed React tutorial for beginners, you will learn everything from basic to pro. Timestamps are also mentioned down below for this react tutorial.

00:00:00 | Introduction of Course
00:00:35 | What is React JS
00:10:17 | How to Install React JS
00:20:48 | Directory Structure of React App
00:31:45 | The Workflow of React App
00:39:39 | What are REact components
00:43:30 | React JS Functional vs Class Components
01:00:17 | What is JSX & Why use it in React
01:09:07 | React JS Props
01:20:31 | What is State in React JS
01:28:17 | Event Handling with Method in React JS
01:36:24 | How to Add CSS to React Component
01:45:38 | Module Style for a Component
01:49:22 | what is AXiOS & How to use it with React JS
01:53:22 | Redux Flow-its Work
01:57:16 | How to Render List in React Component
02:06:10 | What is Key Prop in React JS
02:11:11 | How to Render Data Conditional in React Component
02:16:55 | How to Delete Data From the State in React JS
02:24:08 | Handling the form inputs in React JS
02:37:48 | Form Handling using Controlled Components
02:46:26 | How to Create Registration for using Greeting Screen
03:04:41 | Show & Hide Password along with Dynamic Style
03:13:45 | How to Add CSS Classes Dynamically in React JS
03:18:45 | Styled Component Library in React JS
03:27:02 | Implementing Media Query and Hover Using Styled
03:32:00 | How to Use Props Inside a Styled Component
03:39:25 | How to Set up the Environment for Firebase
03:46:39 | Setup of the Survey Project
04:00:54 | Handling the Name and the Answers with the State
04:14:42 | How to Initialize the Firebase in React JS
04:20:26 | Send the DAta to the firebase
04:28:10 | Setup the Login & Register Components
04:35:06 | Register User using Firebase in React JS
04:54:03 | Sign in with Email & Password using Firebase
05:05:24 | Google Login using Firebase
05:14:34 | Converting a Template
05:29:41 | Complete Setup for React Router Packages
05:43:47 | Create React 404 Page Not Found using React Router
05:46:41 | Redirecting Page After Successful Login and Logout using Router
05:55:16 | Nested Routing in React
06:09:21 | useState Hook to Handel State inside Function Components
06:19:05 | Stateful & Stateless Component in React JS
06:20:42 | Component Lifecycle Method in React JS
06:26:06 | Class Component Mounting Lifecycle Method
06:36:01 | Class Component UnMounting Lifecycle Method
06:40:04 | Understanding the HTTP_AJAX Request in React JS
06:45:49 | Fetching Data Using GET HTTP Request in React JS
06:53:06 | Displaying the Fetched Data in Blog Project
07:06:00 | How to Post Data to the API with React jS
07:13:11 | Deleting Data using Axios in React JS
07:19:16 | Default Global Configuration for axios
07:22:57 | Creating and Using Axios Instances
07:28:17 | Weather App
07:34:23 | Converting the Template into Component
07:53:07 | Handling the Lat and Lon using State in React JS
08:06:57 | How to get Data Using API in React JS
08:24:57 | Show Loading Screen While Fetching Data
08:30:21 | Recent Search Bar Filter
08:45:14 | Research the Recent Searched Data in React JS
08:53:12 | Save Recent Searches in Local Storage
09:01:58 | Understanding State and its Complexity
09:05:41 | Setting up Reducer and Store
09:13:00 | Create Dispatching Action in React JS
09:17:47 | Create Subscription
09:23:42 | Connect React to Redux
09:29:23 | Connect ReactJS to Store
09:35:38 | Dispatching Actions from within the Component

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