1.8K Views· 04 January 2023
Dogs vs Waffle Head Prank! Funny Dogs Maymo, Penny, Potpie & Indie Invaded by Waffles
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Watch Funny Dogs Maymo, Indie, Potpie, and Penny vs Waffle Head Prank! These cute beagle dogs are used to being pranked by the likes of siren head and light head, but now find themselves being surprised by Waffle Head! Each dog is minding their business on the couch when all of a sudden, waffles start flying around. Maymo, Potpie, Penny and Indie waste no time in catching the waffles in their mouths, and eating them as soon as they land. It’s quiet for a moment, and the dogs think they’re safe, that is, until Waffle Head enters the room with two dishes full of fresh waffles! Waffle dude is not only a thrower of waffles, but also apparently a magician, as he makes the waffles in his hands disappear and then reappear on Funny Dog Maymo and Cute Dog Potpie’s heads! The four dogs chase the Waffle Head Man through the room, knocking him down, and punishing him for trying to scare the cute pups. The dogs have a field day with Mr Waffle Prank Dude, but he manages to get up and do one last magic trick that the dogs won’t ever forget!
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#waffles #dogs #prank #food #pranks #dogs #funnydogs #waffle #breakfast