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1,125 Views· 04 November 2024

48 Hours in a City with No Laws: Slab City


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Slab City, known as the last free place in the world, located in the middle of a desert in California has no laws, no electricity, no running water, or even street names.

Despite being situated in one of the wealthiest states in the USA, Slab City is associated with poverty. When the government abandoned and closed this area, which it used as a military base in World War II, only scraps and concrete slabs remained. Then the area became Slab City and attracted homeless or adventurers from various parts of the country.

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Check out my other documentaries:
Visiting the COLDEST CITY in the World (-71°C, -96°F) YAKUTSK ► https://youtu.be/Fz4ZMLsPzqM
8 Crazy Experiments at -55°C, -67°F (The coldest city in the World: Yakutsk) ► https://youtu.be/ExoOL2lwlWE
One Day in the Coldest City on Earth (-71°C, -96°F) YAKUTSK / YAKUTIA ► https://youtu.be/ZvixAkdoc2Q
Walking 1 Hour in the COLDEST CITY in the World (-71°C, -96°F) YAKUTSK / YAKUTIA ► https://youtu.be/D_rqtinxhZc
WORLD'S TALLEST MAN (8'3", 251 cm) ► https://youtu.be/4S4RfWeH9vA
WORLD'S SHORTEST WOMAN (28 years old, 24 inches tall) ► https://youtu.be/OnKTPVlF0yE
Visiting the World's Hottest Place (159°F, 70°C) LUT DESERT ► https://youtu.be/NhyDkHaUC8U
World's Most Fertile Woman, 44 children and only 41 years old: Mama Uganda 🇺🇬 ► https://youtu.be/7-Y5RlSM2PI
Zooming into Everyday Objects Close-Up (1000x Macro Camera test) ► https://youtu.be/DfSnHyIryeY
I attended to a magical ritual with a witch in Tanzania ► https://youtu.be/trwlmW-127c
Opening Eyes of a 94 Year Old Blind Man in Africa ► https://youtu.be/ed17Jg_A8Yo
Visiting the Secret Albino Village in Tanzania ► https://youtu.be/c-r3eT1VSHo
I Drilled a Water Well in Africa! ► https://youtu.be/Nb1we06CDbY
Visiting the MOST AIR POLLUTED CITY in the World (Dust Hell) ► https://youtu.be/zC4saZg6sG0
Visiting the World’s Most Daпgeгous Road: “Karakoram Road” ► https://youtu.be/FryCzL17YRs
Visiting the World's First Nuk℮d City: Hiroshima (How is it now?) ► https://youtu.be/5gKTNob4WJA
Staying at the World's First Robot Hotel! (Strangest Hotel of Japan) ► https://youtu.be/jI3uUlztDbM
Society's Isolation Problem in JAPAN! ► https://youtu.be/sqzzJ5KFOuM
Inside the Underground City once Housed 20,000 People: Derinkuyu ► https://youtu.be/WZGzrBUpUps

Playlist for the entire Ruhi Çenet Documentaries ► https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLcUFMkD76F-

My name is Ruhi Çenet. I am an independent documentary filmmaker. I go to unique places that are not known to many and discover them with a different approach.
My motto is "Curiosity is the best guide". I'm here to not give answers but to ask the right questions. Join me to learn something different...
Follow me on Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/ruhicenet/

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