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2 Views· 22 September 2022

100% PASTI Fluffy! Resep Pancake Jepang Selembut Kapas [Bahan Lokal]


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00:00 : intro
00:55 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:21 : mulai membuat adonan pancake (making the pancake batter)
04:12 : mulai memasak (start of cook)
04:51 : membuat saus Ovomaltine (making the Ovomaltine sauce)
05:53 : hidangan siap dan dan tahap plating (the dish is ready to plate and serve)


Resep Fluffy Pancake. Fluffy pancake adalah pancake yang memiliki tekstur seperti spons, lembut, dan mengembang. Membuatnya cukup mudah, kuncinya ada di putih telur yang dikocok hingga mengembang dan kaku. Fluffy pancake semakin nikmat disajikan dengan saus Ovomaltine dan potongan buah stroberi.

Resep Whip Cream Krimer https://youtu.be/5z2q3B8lgy0

Resep Fluffy Pancake (6 pcs)

Bahan adonan pancake:
2 butir kuning telur
75 gr susu cair
20 gr minyak
85 gr tepung terigu protein sedang
1 sdt baking powder
¼ sdt ekstrak vanila
3 butir putih telur
30 gr gula pasir
1 sdt cuka

Saus Ovomaltine:
150 ml whip cream
3 sdm Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream
1-2 sdm susu cair

6 buah stroberi
1 sdm cokelat bubuk

1. Kocok kuning telur, susu cair, minyak, dan ekstrak vanila aduk rata
2. Tambahkan tepung terigu dan baking powder yang sudah diayak, aduk hingga rata
3. Kocok putih telur, cuka, dan gula pasir hingga kaku yang jika dibalikkan akan seperti paruh burung
4. Tuang ⅓ adonan putih telur ke adonan kuning telur aduk rata, lalu tambahkan sisa adonan dan aduk kembali
5. Panaskan pan anti lengket, olesi dengan sedikit minyak gunakan api kecil
6. Tuang 2-3 scoop adonan kemudian tutup pan masak selama 2-4 menit
7. Balik pancake, tutup lagi dan masak selama 2-4 menit tergantung panas api dan ketebalan pancake
8. Kocok whip cream menggunakan mixer hingga setengah kaku, tambahkan Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream dan susu cair, kocok lagi hingga tercampur rata
9. Sajikan pancake dengan disiram saus ovomaltine. Garnish dengan taburan coklat bubuk dan potongan stroberi

Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream tersedia di Ranch Market, Farmers Market, Food Hall, Lion Superindo, Giant, Kem Chicks, Grand Lucky, Indomaret, Supermarket, dan Toko-toko lainnya.

Jangan lupa cek Instagram @OVOMALTINE_INDONESIA
Instagram: https://instagram.com/ovomaltine_indonesia
Facebook Page : https://facebook.com/OvomaltineOfficialID/


Soft Like Cotton: Japanese Fluffy Pancakes Recipe

Fluffy pancakes are pancakes with a sponge-like texture that is soft and airy. It's quite easy to make. The key is in the egg whites that are beaten until they expand and stiff. Fluffy Pancakes will taste even better when served with Ovomaltine sauce and strawberry slices.

Creamer Whipped Cream Recipe: https://youtu.be/5z2q3B8lgy0

Fluffy Pancakes Recipe (6 pcs)

Pancake Batter ingredients:
2 pc egg yolks
75 g milk
20 g oil
85 g all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
3 pc egg whites
30 g sugar
1 tsp vinegar

Ovomaltine Sauce:
150 ml whipped cream
3 tbsp Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream
1-2 tbsp milk

6 pc strawberries
1 tbsp cocoa powder

1. Whisk the yolks, milk, oil, and vanilla extract. Mix well.
2. Add the sifted flour and baking powder in. Mix well.
3. Whisk the egg whites, vinegar, and sugar until stiff. When it's inverted, it should look like a bird's beak.
4. Pour 1/3 of the whites mix to the yolks mix. Stir well. Add the rest of the whites and mix well.
5. Heat a nonstick pan. Brush with a bit of oil. Cook at low heat.
6. Pour 2-3 scoops of batter. Place the lid on and cook for 2-4 minutes.
7. Flip the pancakes. Place the lid on once more and cook for 2-4 minutes, depending on the heat and the pancake's thickness.
8. Whip some cream with a mixer until it's a bit firm. Add the Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream and milk. Whip it again until it's mixed well.
9. Serve the pancakes with the Ovomaltine sauce. Garnish with cocoa powder and strawberry slices.

Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream is available at Ranch market, Farmers market, Foodhall, Lion Superindo, Giant, Kem Chick, Grand lucky, Indomaret, many leading supermarkets, and grocery shops.


Official Site:


Business inquiries: contact@devinahermawan.com

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