0 Views· 31 October 2022
大年初二,我带着萌萌的大熊猫来给各位拜年啦!Panda Cream Puffs
这次带来的是胖乎乎的熊猫泡芙!原创意来自Ins上一位叫 @sweet_essence_ 的博主。当年创造这道甜点时,她只有16岁(!!)。不过原作者只是贴了照片,并没有讲述任何制作过程和配方,所以我就结合自己的理解把它复刻了出来,希望你们能喜欢哦!
This idea originally came from @sweet_essence_, who is an Instagram blogger. Unfortunately, the original post did not include any ingredients or tutorials, therefore I recreated them based on my experience. Hope you all like it :)
泡芙面糊:低筋(或中筋)面粉50g,一小撮盐,鸡蛋3个,牛奶160ml,糖½ tsp,黄油35g
Cream puffs batter: cake flour (or all-purpose flour) 50g, pinch of salt, 3 large eggs, milk 160ml, sugar ½ tsp, butter 35g
Stuffing: heavy whipping cream 240ml, sugar 20g, 70% dark chocolate 10g.
【视频中出现的工具/My Tools】
手持打蛋器/Hand Mixture https://amzn.to/2PhhfNX
玫瑰金量杯量勺/Rose Gold Measuring Cup https://amzn.to/2QH3slg
小奶锅/Saucepan(类似款) https://amzn.to/38lkTOE
PeriTune - Folk Chinese (http://peritune.com/folk_chinese/)
#熊猫泡芙 #烘焙 #pandapuffs