6 Views· 22 September 2022
Seenak Pasta Restoran! Resep Mie Aglio E Olio [Iya Betul, Pakai Mie]
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00:00 : intro
01:40 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:16 : mulai membuat garlic oil (making the Garlic Oil)
03:24 : mulai membuat garlic crumb (Making the Garlic Crumbs)
04:26 : rebus mie (boiling the noodles)
05:33 : meracik bumbu (mixing the seasonings)
07:19 : hidangan siap dan tahap plating (the dish is ready to plate and serve)
Resep Mie Aglio E Olio. Biasanya disajikan dengan pasta, kali ini aglio e olio dipadukan dengan mie. Bisa menggunakan jenis mie apa saja. Aglio berarti bawang putih, dan Olio artinya minyak. Spesialnya lagi mie aglio e olio ini ditaburi dengan garlic crumb yang menambah tekstur crunchy.
Resep Mie Aglio e Olio (untuk 2 porsi)
2 porsi mie basah
Garlic oil:
10 siung bawang putih, cincang
6 cabai rawit, cincang
2 sdm chili flakes
50 ml minyak
Garlic crumb:
6 siung bawang putih, iris
2 sdm mentega
6 sdm bread crumbs
¼ sdt garam
½ sdt gula
¼ sdt merica
¼ sdt kaldu jamur
1 sdm kecap asin
Parsley, cincang
1. Goreng bawang putih hingga setengah kering, masukkan cabai rawit dan chili flakes kemudian goreng hingga kering dan sisihkan
2. Tumis bawang putih hingga setengah kering lalu buang minyaknya dan masukkan mentega, bread crumbs, garam, merica lalu masak hingga kering, sisihkan
3. Rebus mie dengan air yang cukup hingga matang
4. Dalam mangkuk besar, masukkan gula, garam, merica, kaldu jamur, kecap asin, garlic oil, mie yang masih panas lalu aduk hingga rata
5. Pindahkan ke piring saji lalu taburi dengan garlic crumbs dan parsley cincang
6. Mie aglio e olio siap disajikan
Oxone Fry Pan OX97F
Oxone Stock Pot OX97S
Instagram: https://instagram.com/oxoneonline/
Website: https://oxone-world.com/
Kitchen equipment by MODENA
Kitchen cabinet by METRIC
As Good As Pasta in Restaurants! Aglio e Olio Noodles Recipe: Yes, with Noodles.
Normally served with pasta, this Aglio e Olio dish is paired with noodles. You can use any noodle type you want. Aglio means garlic and Olio means oil. This Aglio e Olio Noodles become even more special thanks to the Garlic Crumbs topping that adds a crunchy texture.
Aglio e Olio Noodles Recipe (yield: 2 servings)
2 serving fresh noodles
Garlic Oil:
10 clove garlic, chopped
6 pc bird’s eye chili, chopped
2 tbsp chili flakes
50 ml oil
Garlic Crumbs:
6 clove garlic, sliced
2 tbsp butter
6 tbsp bread crumbs
¼ tsp salt
½ tsp sugar
¼ tsp mushroom stock powder
1 tbsp soy sauce
Parsley, chopped
1. Fry the garlic until half-crisp. Add the bird’s eye chili and chili flakes in and cook until they’re crispy. Set aside.
2. Sauté the garlic until half-crisp. Remove the excess oil and add butter, bread crumbs, salt, and pepper in. Cook until they’re crispy. Set aside.
3. Boil the noodles with sufficient water until it’s cooked.
4. In a big bowl, add sugar, salt, pepper, mushroom stock powder, soy sauce, garlic oil, and hot noodles. Stir well.
5. Transfer to a serving plate and sprinkle with the Garlic Crumbs and chopped parsley.
6. Aglio e Olio Noodles is ready to serve.
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#ResepMieAglioEOlio #ResepPasta #ResepDevinaHermawan